Screamer// Cameron Dallas

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It had been your idea to set it up, and even though Cam, Nash, and Jack had complained at first, they were actually quite proud of their creation. A huge blanket fort spread out across the width of the large living and dining room. From above, it looked like a patchwork field of different coloured blankets strewn just high enough that you could sit on top of your knees. Jack tucked into the last corner of the fort while you threw bundles of fairy lights into the different rooms.

"Catch us!" Called the three boys as they darted under the entrance of the fort.

You giggled, "c'mon guys!"

The fort had been made into a network of various hiding rooms, nooks, and crannies.

"Here I come!" you hollered and dove after the boys.

You squat down and turned through about four empty nooks when suddenly-

"BOOO!" Jack and Nash jumped out from either side of the small space, causing you to yelp out and fall face forward.

You came up cursing, rubbing your forehead and pouting.

"Nawww, we're sorry," the boys said in unison, not sounding sorry at all as they both attacked you in hugs.

"Nash-Jack!" you groaned from under their strong arms.

They both pulled you backwards against the wall, Nash pinning you down whilst Jack tickled you.

"Say we win!" said Nash.

You gasped, "N-no!"

"Kay, babe," Jack said. Nash held your arms down while Jack poked his tongue out, coming close to your squirming face.

"Ewewewew," you yelped, feeling him slide his wet tongue across your turned jaw.

"Say it and we'll stop," Nash said, moving his hands and beginning to tickle your sides.

You thrashed your legs, and through your fits of giggles, you told them they'd won.

Nash smirked, "Satisfactory."

Jack pulled away, "Didn't think you'd give in so easy."

"Hey, but where's Cam-" you opened your mouth, and through the shoulders of the two boys, saw Cameron enter the room, his eyes falling on Nash and Jack.

"Looks like I won," he spoke flatly.

"Hm, actually I think we did," teased Jack, eyeing you cheekily.

"Funny," said Cameron in warning.

Jack and Nash pulled away, smiles fading, "Sorry bro."

Cameron's steely glare fell on you, "We were just messing around," you said, intimidated by his clenched jaw.

He looked you over, "Come with me, (Y/N)."

You didn't protest, but Nash and Jack threw you an apologetic glance as he pulled you out.

Cameron pulled ahead until he had reached the farthest corner away from the two boys, he dragged you in by your wrist, and snapped around to face you.

"What the fuck was that?" he said, nails digging into your wrists.

You gasped, eyelids fluttering down to your sore skin, and Cameron noticed, releasing you, his eyes softening momentarily.

"They were just-"

"Putting their mouths and hands wherever they wanted," Cameron cut you off.

You knew what this was about. Cameron was extremely sensitive and wary, & also he could get very overprotective.

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