Rvb S11 E5 "A Real Fixer Upper"

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At the Comm Tower, Tucker, Wade and Zeta are standing by as they watch, Wash who's crouched down, repairing the radio box and Leo who's fixing wires from one of the panels on the side of the tower.

Zeta: I feel like somebody should have found us by now.

Leo: If they could find us faster that would be great!

Wade: You seem slightly... agitated?

Leo: Well, I did recently discover what my socks were being used for and let's just say. I'm not in a good mood at the moment.

Tucker: What were the socks being used for?

Leo: Probably the same thing you use yours for, Tucker.

Tucker: Hey! I don't use them like that all the time...

Leo looks over his shoulder and just gives Tucker a blank stare.

Tucker: Ok, maybe sometimes.

Wade: Eww! God, at least back in Blood Gulch you had a rock to use instead.

Wash: Perhaps, it'd be best if we changed the subject. I would rather not know more about Tuckers rock.

Tucker: You know, it's like if a plane crashes and disappears that's fine, civilians, whatever.

Wash: Not sure, if I agree with you on that.

Tucker: But this was a fucking spaceship. That's like national tragedy level important.

Wade: It was a pretty big ship.

Tucker: And what about GPS? The Galactic Positioning System should have been able to inform Command of our location within seconds of a mayday.

Zeta: Wait... how do you know about that?

Tucker: Uh...

Inside the spaceship, before the crash. One of the operators are talking to Tucker, but he has his focus on something else.

Spaceship Operator: The Galactic Positioning System would be able to inform Command of our location within seconds of a mayday, so even the ship were to crash rescue would be practically immediate. Isn't it that rad?

Tucker: Cool, nerd stuff. Hey, is it just me or is that blonde over there checking me out?

Spaceship Operator: Who? The pilot?

Tucker: Yeah, she's definitely checking me out.

Tucker walks over to where the pilot is.

Spaceship Operator: Wait! You can't go over there!

Tucker (Distance): Hey baby, I hear you're a pilot. Think you could pull up on my throttle? Bow chicka bow wow.

Suddenly, alarms and red lights go off.

Back to everyone at the Comm Tower looking at Tucker who nervously shuffles his feet.

Tucker: I read it in a book?

Zeta: I highly doubt that. But the again, why should I care.

Tucker: Phew...

Leo bends down to the toolbox, beside him and checks inside it, before stopping what he's doing and faces everyone.

Leo: Hey, where's the soldering iron?

Tucker: Ooh, I don't know.

Wade: Isn't it in the toolbox?

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