Rvb S11 E6 "S.O.S"

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It's been about a month since the Author went silent on Wattpad. He was currently outside of his house door, carefully opening the door in hopes it doesn't utter a sound.

Author: Nice and easy...

Thankfully he was able to slip into his apartment and close the door without a single sound. You may be asking why is he being so, cautious entering his own house. Will last time he didn't write for a month, a certain robot ladie broke his legs... so yeah.

Author: M-Maybe, if I can finish writing the chapter she won't notice.

The Author hurried to his room, entering silently and draws his attention to his chair and computer.

Author: (Sighs in relief) Made it! Thank the lord, now if I just finish-

Suddenly, the chair spins around revealing Tex to be sitting in his chair with her arms crossed.

Tex: Look who finally decided to show up.

Author: T-Tex, hey how's it going! Look I know I promise I wouldn't go and disappear again, but you see school just bit to much to handle and-

Tex: I don't want to hear your excuse! Was breaking your legs not enough?

Author: They've just healed up, alright! I was just about to continue writing anyway, soooo...

Tex gets off the chair and walks over to the Author and grips his shoulder tightly.

Tex: Fine, I'll let you off with a warning this time.

Author: Thank god-

Tex: BUT, if I catch you pull this shit again. Then I'll break your legs again, maybe spend all your money-

Author: I'm still trying to make back the money you spent, before.

Tex: Or perhaps I'll buy you a collar and leash to make sure you never run off again.

Author: Getting a bit yandare there and your not serious about the collar, right?

Tex let's go of the Author and makes her way out of the room.

Tex: Who knows I might put "Owned by Agent Texas," on it and make you walk the streets with it on.

With that she finally leaves, leaving a paled Author.

Author: ....Control + F + My life!

A machine whirs from within the cavern and noises arise in the background. Caboose can also be heard from within the cavern.

Caboose: It's alive. It's alive! He's ali- Aw, now it's dead.

A short moment of silence.

Caboose: No, it's alive again! Oh, thank God that was close.

Comm Tower
Leo and Wash are still working on the Comm tower, trying to repair the radio equipment. Zeta and Wade are down below, watching Tucker "attempting" to fix some busted wires. Tucker soon walks out from under the tower and stands beside Wade and Zeta.

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