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Nigeria,  Abuja.

"Sir I swear I can't see pin" I've been complaining since we started this practical.  I don't know how everyone else does it. It's just too hard.  Like how would they tell you to put a prism on an A4 paper, with pins at the top,  then look for the reflection at the bottom. 

I know it sounds easy,  is it not just light practical but I swear it hard.  To me though.  I can't seem to see the reflection and when ever I do, it's the wrong reflection.

Can you Imagine. Mcthewee.

Amna even came and did some for me,  but left to complete hers.

I wonder how she does it.  Amna is smart,  like really good.  She and I are usually at the top.  Well, you could say coincidence but it's just fate.

"I'll see if in your WAEC(West African Examination  Council. The exams Africans take in order to secure admission into a university.  E.g ,  SAT.) you'll tell the supervisor that you can't see the pin" our physics teacher Mr Jackson said.

Nawa o, so now person can not complain again. Hmm.

I wasn't the only one who was having difficulty in it,  I guess that's the reason the man was starting to get agitated.  I don't know why it's only this stupid topic that is always giving me problems.

You know there's always that particular subject or topic that even if you travel heaven and earth, you still won't understand and the one that you're not even listening, you'll now understand it.

This life eh.

Sha, me I can't come and die on top this topic,  I'm tired.  I took my chair and sat, just watching everyone,  as they did their work,  some kneeling down so they could get the right point of the reflection and some already plotting their graph.

While I just sat.

"Everyone must finish their practical before they leave here, and I'm very serious.  It's even good, you have break after this period.  You can choose to spend it here" and that's when I stood up.  My senses came back to me.

I wasn't ready to spend my break period here and the hunger that is catching me, I can't even try it.

I don't care if I was going to bribe someone o,  or go and do copy copy or do rubbish and submit like that.

I looked around because  I knew,  I was never going to be able to do it, looking for someone who had finished theirs and there was only one person.


Oh God. 

It's been five days since our little expression between us and since then we haven't been normal to each other. We do talk but as he promised he left me alone.

It wasn't like before where we would talk for hours and be happy spending time with each other.  No, its just as if,  we're just trying to be civilized in a relationship and still be friends.

I closed my eye,  exhaling a deep breath as I had to take down my pride to talk to him about helping me.  I walked quickly so that Mr Jackson won't be able to stop me before I could get what I want as he was busy with another student.

"Adam" I called behind him.

"Hey,  what's up" he turned around.

"Fine.  I hope you don't  mind.  I was hoping you could help me with my practical please" I pleaded.

"Oh" he expression dropped a bit but he masked it. "No problem.  I see it's always giving you problems " I don't know what he was expecting me to say but I sure saw sadness  flicker in his eyes.

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