Author's note.

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It Ramadan and I realized I haven't done anything special for you guys.  So here it is, just some duas, please say amen.

Allahuma tuibu affuwa fafuana.

Ya Allah protect us from the evil of the seen and unseen.

Ya Allah accept our fast,  prayers, duas and increase our Deen.

Ya Rabb shower your mercy on us and forgive us our sins, those we know and those we don't.

Ya Rabb give us the strength to complete the remaining of our fast.

Ya Rabb let this holy month be a change in our lives.

Ya Allah do what you know is best and good for us.

Ya Allah those that have nothing,  Ya Rabb provide for them in ways the wouldn't imagine.

Ya Allah let that day never come where you turn your back on us.

Ya Rabb,  grant us Jannah.

Ya Allah bless us in this life and in our hereafter. Give us understanding, strength, patience and knowledge and bless our ummah.


So I thought why not do something that benefits everyone.  InshaAllah our duas will be answered.

One last thing,  grace to grass will only be published twice in a month,  this is because I'm not happy with the way and rates it is going. You guys should please see my effort  and when that happens then I'll  update more.  But if the votes are still the same  I might even stop the book.

So if you all want me to continue show some love,  share the book please.

Thank  you.  Have a wonderful Ramadan.

Oh and eid coming up.  What are your preparations?

Grace To Grass.  (A Nigerian Story.) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum