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Quick question : do I talk too much?

Ehen... Do you people want me to be adding songs to each chapter or do you people also off your data like I do when reading because you better on it oo.... Don't  be stingy ooo.... Lol.. I'm joking... I know you're guys aren't, oya Vote and comment. 

Thank you

Don't worry I'll stop talking too much.

I pray I can. . .so help me God.


Nigeria, Abuja.

The devil is a liar.

Those doing me in my village that allowed me to cook lallea will not succeed.

E no go work (it won't work).


Wait o.  Did they close my nose that I couldn't perceive it or what?

Haba. After all the meat,  fish, and Maggi.

I stared at the soup just wondering what I'm going to do now. It was too rich in nutrient that I would pour away but at the same time, who the hell eats lallea?

Ahh..... It's a pity.

I can't let mummy see this thing.  The kind of insults I will chop , it won't be funny.

I quickly poured it into a bowl,  picked out all the meat and fish that have not all dissolved into the soup and rinsed them.  I then pored the soup down the drainer and  let  it down the sink.

Now, no one will know.

"Except you" I stared at his green eyes. "now be a good boy and don't say anything about it. Okay? " and he meowed. That's my boy. Tom,  my one and only, my baby boy,  my cat. My love for him is absolutely tremendous.

I quickly went back to looking for the soup and after so much searching,  I found it.

My village people shame on you. Haha

I made the soup and Alhamdulilah (Thank God)  it came out good.

Now I'm so tired.  Did I mention I'm not a fan of cooking,  like I literally can't have the patience of waiting for it to be ready. All in all,  I don't like cooking, but It doesn't mean I don't know how to.  When you live with a mother like mine,  either you like it or not, you must learn.

So, now where was I.

Oh TV......


"Do you have everything with you."

"Yes "

"You have pencil too,  for the calculations" mom asked.

"I do" I replied placing my phone into my handbag and giving it to her. 

Today is my JAMB, and to say I'm nervous would be an understatement. Mummy has been calm so far which is really not like her,  she hasn't been telling me about all the disadvantages as to what will happen if I don't make a good score,  rather she has been encouraging me which is quite surprising.

My mom is not the emotional, heart to heart kind of mother, and no don't get me wrong I didn't say she is a bad person,  not at all,  far from that infact.  She's just not the type to sit down with you and start being emotional.

Which I wish she is.  Sometimes I just want to just have a heart to heart with her but I restrain myself from doing so because she won't get the vibe.

But that is not for today,  now I have to focus on my exams at hand.

"Just keep on recitating the duas(prayers) I told you to.  Allah will do it,  inshaAllah( By God's grace)" she advised as we walked to the gate where she came to her stop.

"Bye bye mummy" I told her clutching my pencil hard.  At that moment I wanted to hug her and cry because wallahi I was very scared, but then I didn't.

"Goodluck azraa" and with that I went in.

It was 9:00am and we still hadn't started.  The exam was fixed nine to eleven so the other batch could come in.

I shouldn't be surprised.  African time is not a new thing.  Ten minutes went by as they were still screening students in. I was still nervous but I was better than before.

"Listen up. The exam is starting now and 10 minutes will be added to your ending time because of our delay,  apart from that you can start your exams. " The lady in charge spoke as everyone hurried to switch on their computers and claim their future.

I prayed immediately and after that I began.  I started with English and then biology which were my easiest then I went to physics.  I wasn't really a fan of chemistry but sometimes I usually found myself passing the subject but I doubt that now seeing all the jagalajagala(rubbish) they are setting that I don't know.

Anyways that's what tinko( a game usually played but in this case used for picking an answer.  More like guess work)  is for.  It's not like I didn't know some, I knew like up to half but the rest were just guess work.

Twenty minutes was still remaining by the time I had finished.  My eyes were already paining me from staring at the screen for up to two hours nonstop . I debated on whether to submit yet or go through it again but Mehn I was tired already.

So I clicked submit and that is how I submitted my awaiting future.

I stood up as some also had already been done and left, so did I.

I walked out of the room as I was engulfed with natural air.  I breathed out as I walked towards my mom who was indeed smiling at me that it went successfully.

"How was it? " she asked immediately.

"Alhamdulilah it was fine" I replied normally.  One thing I have noticed about exams is,  not to be too proud about them because I swear that's when the downfall begins.  So even if you know you did well,  just keep it to yourself and say Alhamdulilah (Thank God.)

Though I know I did well, by God's grace I'll  get a good result.

"Alhamdulilah. Oya let's go and eat.  I'm hungry " mom said and I laugh.

"Me too" And that's how we left and I waited for my future to be examined.

I know walahi,  please don't hate me,  it's been long.  I swear I have been trying.  You guys have a lot to be mad at me about,  I'm such an uncaring writer,I didn't even ask how you guys have been doing all these while and now Ramadan is here I did not even wish you guys up till now that we're in the middle of it and now this chapter is even short.  Heheh nawa for me sef.   I'm so sorry.  I have been trying to update for so long.

I even wrote the beginning of this chapter since before Ramadan but it just didn't click till now.  I am so sorry.  Please bear with me and Ramadan Mubarak to you all.  May Allah guide us in this holy Month and accept our duas and fast.


So let me just stop here before I start blabbing now.  You guys should help me read it with love abeg and like it. Thank you.

Ramadan Mubarak!!!!.

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