He Doesn't Deserve Her

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*Ron's Point Of View*

I walk through the corridors on my way to my next class. Harry walks alongside me, with Hermione on the other side of him. The two are in a deep discussion about who even knows what. I'm not paying any attention to their chat. As usual, all I can think about is Bella.

I've had the biggest crush on Bella ever since I met her. I first saw her on the train to Hogwarts. She let me sit with her in her compartment when there was nowhere else to sit. I remember it so vividly, even though it has been quite a few years since that day. I remember her hair was in two long plaits, each tied with a yellow bow, and she had brought tons of luggage in a bunch of blue suitcases. I soon found out she liked to talk everyone's ears off. Still, she had this kindness and gentleness about her. She also had the kind of smile that made other people smile back. We were just kids back then, and I didn't want to admit to myself that I was crushing on her. Now, we're fifteen. Two years away from official adulthood in the wizarding world, and we're also some of the oldest in our year and we'll both be sixteen in a few months.  And I can say with every bit of confidence that I am most definitely crushing on Bella. Actually, not just crushing. I think I love her. Yes, I think I love Bella. And she has no idea. 

"The Yule Ball is almost here," Harry says suddenly, nudging my arm. "Do you think you'll take Bella?" He grins at me, and I sigh. He knows about my secret, passionate love for Bella. 

"Yeah, Ron. You should take Bella," Hermione chimes in, smirking at me. She also knows I love Bella. 

"I wish I could work up to nerve to ask her out, but I doubt she'd ever want me," I say glumly. 

"That's rubbish. I'm sure she'd go with you if you asked," Harry says, hitting my arm lightly.

"You think so?" I say.

"I know so," Harry replies. "But you'd better hurry and ask her before someone else does!"

"Um," Hermione pipes up suddenly, her eyes widening. "I think someone already did." She points across the corridor, where Draco has Bella in his arms and is kissing her neck.

In this moment, I swear my heart stops. Draco Malfoy is holding Bella. Draco Malfoy is kissing Bella. Bella is letting Draco Malfoy hold her. Bella is letting Draco Malfoy kiss her. 

Why isn't she fighting him? Why isn't she pushing him away?

"Stupid Malfoy," Harry grumbles as he glares across the hall at Draco. He turns back to me and puts a hand on my arm. "He is such a knob head. Always ruining everything. Want me to beat him up?" He cracks his knuckles threateningly as he glowers at Draco across the room. "I'll do it. No questions asked. I'll beat him up."

"I'll bet on you winning, Harry," Hermione tells Harry. "You'll take him down. That is, of course, if I don't do it myself right now." She narrows her eyes as she watches Draco and Bella. "Ugh. What a creep. I've punched him before, and I'll do it again if I have to. Poor Bella. I'd be so miserable right now, if I were her. He looks like he's drooling on her."

"I'm serious, Ron. The offer stands. Should I go beat him up?" Harry asks me.

"Yeah, we'll do it, Ron," Hermione agrees. 

"Thanks, but I've got this," I say. Drawing my wand and then holding it behind my back to keep it out of sight, I stride across the corridor to where Draco stands with Bella. 

"Ron!" Bella gasps when she sees me. She rips herself away from Draco, blushing. "Hi, Ron." I've never seen her look quite as embarrassed as she does now.

"Weasley, can you bugger off?" Draco snarls, glaring at me. "We're a bit busy here." He gestures between him and Bella, and that only angers me more. I lift my wand and point it at Draco.

"No!" Bella says quickly. She puts a hand on my arm, and her touch calms me instantly. "Ron, stop. You know Draco's my... friend." Her voice cracks at the last word.

"Actually, I'm her boyfriend," Draco says to me with a smug little smile as he slips an arm around Bella.

"What?" I say with a scoff, sure I've misheard him.

"Draco asked me to the Yule Ball," Bella says slowly, blushing and avoiding meeting my gaze. "I... I said yes."

"What?" I say, dumbfounded. I want to scream and cry and rip Draco's head off all at once. 

"You heard her," Draco says, taking a step towards me and grinning. "You heard what she said. She's mine. M-I-N-E." His silver eyes flash with pride. 

"I didn't exactly say that," Bella mumbles, but Draco doesn't hear her. Or perhaps he's just not listening at all.

"You know what? You should shove off, Weasley. That's what you should do," Draco says, taking another step towards me. "Stay away, or else I will ruin your life and everyone in it. Got it?"

"You cannot be serious. Please tell me you're not serious," I say in disbelief. I look at Bella, but she looks as dumbstruck as I feel, and I look back at Draco again in incredulity. "You're bonkers! You've lost the plot!"

"I said what I said," Draco says. His voice is quieter now but cold as ice. "You heard me loud and clear, Weasley. Get out of here. Go. Leave."

"You're a terrible person. You don't deserve Bella," I snarl at Draco before finally storming away. Tears form in my eyes and threaten to spill over as I leave. Bella calls after me, but I don't look back. I don't want her to see that I'm crying. 

Draco is taking Bella to the Ball. Bella, the girl of my dreams. 

Draco is dating Bella, and he doesn't deserve her.

Bella should be with me.

A Hogwarts Romance: Ron Weasley (IN PROGRESS AND UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now