I Missed You

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*Ron's Point Of View*

Weeks have gone by. The Yule Ball is just around the corner. It is literally torture to watch Bella and Draco kiss every day. It's like a knife in the heart. I rarely get time to hang out with Bella, since Draco's always around. Bella will leave notes in my room, telling me how much she misses spending time with me and that she doesn't know what to do. I wonder if Bella is happy with Draco. It sure doesn't seem that way.

In the middle of the night,  I'm wide awake in my bed when I feel the pressure of something sinking down next to me. I sit up faster than I ever have in my life.

"Shh," a familiar voice murmurs. "It's me. Hold on a moment... Lumos!" A light shines from the tip of a fir wood wand, illuminating the room, and I see Bella sitting at the end of my bed, holding the wand and looking beautiful as ever. "I just wanted to stop by. I missed you. I figured it's the only chance I've got at seeing you lately, since Draco's asleep-"

"Bella!" I cry out, so relieved and overjoyed to see her. I launch myself at her, wrapping my arms around her as I fall on top of her. She lets out a little laugh as I land on top of her. I press my face against hers. "I missed you, Bella. I've missed you so much."

"I missed you too, Ron," Bella says softly. She smiles, and her eyes crinkle up in the corners as she does, and she's the most perfect thing I have ever seen. I want to kiss her so badly. I really, really want to. With her underneath me, I lean in closer towards her lips, but then I remember she has a boyfriend. I don't want Draco to kill me, and I don't want to upset Bella. Slowly, reluctantly, I force myself to move away. 

"How did you even get in here, Bella?" I chuckle.

"Harry helped me sneak in," Bella replies.

"Oh," I say.

There's a long silence.

"I think I'm going to break up with Draco after the Ball," Bella says. "Maybe."

"Really?" I gasp, smiling.

"Don't look so happy about it," Bella says glumly. "I'm worried he might get really upset and hurt me if I do... or he might hurt you. He's really jealous of you." She sighs. "I don't know what I should do. I was wondering if you have any advice?"

"Break up with him," I say immediately. "You shouldn't have to be with someone you don't have feelings for." 

"But... I mean, Draco is fit. There's no denying it. And he's sort of my friend. I don't want to hurt his feelings," Bella mumbles. "Sometimes I feel happy when I'm with him, but other times I think he's too controlling."

"Do you like someone else?" I ask, hoping she'll say yes and praying that it's me that she likes.

"Not at the moment," Bella replies.

"Oh," I say, my face falling. I can feel my heart metaphorically shatter to pieces.

"I mean, who knows? I don't fancy anyone right now, but that could change," Bella adds. She sighs. "Oh, Ron. I've missed you so much, you know."

"I've missed you too," I say, pulling Bella into my arms again. Her hair smells like peppermint and her skin smells like vanilla, and I sigh at the sweet familiarity of it.

"Oh, it's late. I should go," Bella says suddenly, pulling away. She stands up and says, "Nox!" The room goes dark again. I feel her hand touch my shoulder briefly, and I smile and bite my lip. She whispers, "Good night, Ronald Weasley." And then she's gone.

If only she knew what it does to me to hear her say my name.

I can't help it: I am in love with Bella.

A Hogwarts Romance: Ron Weasley (IN PROGRESS AND UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now