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*Ron's Point Of View*

I watch as Bella runs away from Draco and runs towards me. Tears are rolling down her face as she comes to me. She throws her arms around my neck, and I slip my arms around her waist as I lean down to rest my head on top of hers. It takes some effort, since she's quite short and I am tall, but we make it work. 

"Ron," Bella mumbles through her tears. "I did it. I broke up with Draco." She sniffles. "And Draco... he wants to hurt you because he thinks you're the reason I'm leaving him. That's why I slapped him. I... I don't want anyone to hurt you, Ron!"

"It's okay, Bella. I'm here," I whisper as I rub her back slowly. 

"You're too good to me," Bella sniffs, stepping back and smiling up at me. "I don't know what I would do without you, Ron."

Slow music starts playing throughout the room. All the couples start swaying to the music. I look at Bella and bite my lip. She blushes and says nothing. I finally say, "Would you like to dance with me, Bella?"

"I'd be honoured, Ron," Bella replies with a shy smile. 

"Let me lead the way," I say, smiling as I wrap my arms around her waist and guide her slowly. We move in sync to the music, never breaking eye contact. Bella blushes, and I grin, and this moment is more perfect then I could ever have imagined it.

"Wooo! Get some, Ron!" Harry cheers from across the room. 

"Oi! Shove off, Harry!" Bella calls back to Harry. Harry responds by giving Bella a big thumbs-up and grinning.

When the song finally ends, Bella takes a step back from me and smiles shyly. She looks so gorgeous and I can't help but swoon. I pull her back to me, knowing now is the perfect time to kiss her and tell her I love her, but I am suddenly interrupted as Draco comes running over.

"I knew it!" Draco cries. He walks right up to me as his face contorts into the ugliest, angriest expression I have ever seen. He pokes me in the chest with his finger. "I saw you... I saw you dancing with Bella! And I saw how you were about to kiss her just now! I was right about you!" He lets out a harsh laugh and glares at me. "You're trying to steal Bella from me!" He pulls out his wand and points it at me. "Now you're going to pay, Ron..."

"Go ahead, Malfoy!" I yell at Draco. "You can kill me if you want! But don't you dare harm Bella."

"Fine. It's settled, then," Draco says, grinning. "I'll kill you, and Bella can stay with me forever."

"Draco! Stop!" Bella shrieks, stepping forward and shoving Draco. "Leave Ron alone!"

"Baby, he's trying to take you from me," Draco protests, turning to look at Bella. "I have to make him pay for it." He turns back to me and points his wand at me again. "Avada-"

"No!" Bella screams. Shaking with fury, she jumps in front of me and whips out her own wand and points it at Draco. "Get... away... from Ron." Draco starts to protest, but Bella cuts him off by yelling, "JUST GET OUT OF HERE, DRACO!"

"This isn't over," Draco says to Bella as he slowly walks away. "I will do whatever it takes to get you back."

Once he's gone, Bella sobs again, and I pull her back into my arms. Who knows what Draco will do next? All I know is that if it comes down to it, I would die for Bella. And I will do anything and everything in my power to keep Bella safe and happy.

A Hogwarts Romance: Ron Weasley (IN PROGRESS AND UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now