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*Ron's Point Of View*

After that ace Quidditch win and I chat up Bella after the game, we both head to sleep. Morning dawns now, the day after, and I wake with a smile on my face. Today is the trip to Hogsmeade with Bella! I practically throw myself out of bed as I strip off my pyjamas and put on my robes. I grab the money I keep under my pillow and slip it into the pocket of the robes. I start to imagine all the wonderful things that we'll get up to doing today. I expect we'll get some sweets from Honeydukes and probably drink Butterbeer at The Three Broomsticks. And maybe, if luck is on my side today, I'll kiss Bella and she'll kiss me back. 

The time to leave for Hogsmeade comes, and I go to meet with Bella. When I find her, she smiles at me, but doesn't utter a word.

"What's wrong, Bella?" I ask.

"Nothing," Bella says quickly. "I'm just nervous for some reason. I had a weird night last night. I... um... think I might be ill. My stomach keeps doing this fluttery thing. It's odd. But I'll be fine. Let's just... let's just go."

"Okay," I say, taking her hand. "Off we go!" And we're off.

"Where to first?" Bella asks once we arrive. I still haven't let go of her hand the whole while, and I'm pleased she hasn't pulled away. "I'll go wherever you like. Lead the way."

"I think we should stop by Honeydukes first," I say. "I'm really hungry." I lick my lips. "Some sweets will do me good. Shall we go there?"

"Of course. Whatever you want," Bella agrees with a nod. "You lead the way, Ron."

"Great. Good. Okay," I say with a smile. Giving Bella's hand a squeeze, I lead the way to Honeydukes, never letting go of her hand. We enter and find Neville at the front of the store, eating a peppermint toad. Neville waves as we pass, and we wave back. Bella even stops to chat him up a bit, which makes me feel a bit jealous. After Bella and Neville have brief chat, I take Bella's hand again and lead her away to pick out some sweets. Other than Neville, we're the only ones at Honeydukes at the moment. We wander about together, looking at sweets.

"Mmm, Cauldron Cakes and Chocolate Cauldrons," Bella says as she takes some. "And Chocolate Frogs!" She grabs a few packs as well. "Ah, this is lovely. All my favourite sweets!"

"Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans," I chime in, taking a few boxes. "And Pepper Imps and Pumpkin Pasties!" I grab some of those too. "Delicious."

"Where to next?" Bella asks once we've collected all our sweets and I've paid for them.

"I'd fancy a Butterbeer at the The Three Broomsticks," I say. "What do you think about that? Are you down?"

"Yes. That sounds great. And how could I say no to you?" Bella chuckles. 

"Come," I say with a grin, pulling her into The Three Broomsticks. We sit down and order up some Butterbeer. When the foaming mugs are placed in front of us, we waste no time and get right to drinking away.

"Bella, I have to tell you something," I say once we get on to our third round of drinks. I'm starting to feel more confident than ever. I feel like I can do anything. "But... I can't tell you here. We need to go somewhere private." I take her hand and pull her into a empty back room in The Three Broomsticks. Bella hops up on a table in the middle of the room, leaning back and swinging her legs while waiting for me to continue talking. With a burst of confidence, I leap up on top of her and take her face in my hands. 

"What are you-?" Bella begins with a gasp, but is cut off as I grab her and kiss her hard. I kiss her with passion and with everything I've got. After a moment, to my surprise, Bella kisses back. Our lips and bodies move together in part of a song that only we know. Hours seem to fly by, or maybe even days, and all I can think about is how perfect this moment is. Finally, Bella pushes me off her. I back up a little and smile, biting my lip. 

"What was that?" Bella murmurs after a long moment. Before I can respond, Bella shakes her head a little and slides off the table. Her hair is a mess and her face is pink. "I... um... I don't know what just happened. I think I might have had too much Butterbeer." She blinks slowly. "I have to pee now. Um, I'll see you soon." She runs out before I have the chance to stop her.

A Hogwarts Romance: Ron Weasley (IN PROGRESS AND UNDER EDITING)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora