Awkward Moments

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*Bella's Point Of View*

I walk side-by-side with Ron after the Quidditch game. He's still pretty excited about the win, I think. He keeps smiling dreamily at me and whispering to himself, "I can't believe it. I can't believe it."

"You were great today, Ron," I say, nudging him lightly. "You did a bloody lovely job out there. And I'm quite excited to go to Hogsmeade with you tomorrow."

"Yeah," Ron says with a happy sigh, wiping the sweat dripping from his face. "Me too. I can't wait."

"Well, I should be off to bed now," I say with a yawn. "I'm quite tired, and I'm sure you must be too. See you tomorrow."  

"Alright," Ron says with a smile, opening his arms for me. I step into his embrace, and he slips his arms around me. He's still sweaty and hot from his game, but I don't really mind that much. When our hug ends, I step back and give him a little wave before turning to walk away.

"Bella, wait!" Ron says suddenly. I turn back around to face him as he says, "There's no need in bringing money of your own to Hogsmeade tomorrow. It's all on me. I'll pay for everything." He grins.

"No, I couldn't let you do that!" I say quickly. Money is always tight at my house, but I know it is even more so at Ron's place. "You shouldn't have to pay. I'll do it."

"Well, I said I'm going to do it, and you can't change my mind," Ron replies. "I may not have much money, but I want to do this for you. You mean everything to me, Bella. I want to give you everything you deserve. Just let me do this." I start to protest, but Ron moves closer and touches his finger to my lips. He's so close that I can feel his warm breath on my lips. I fall silent, my face flushed a little, as Ron murmurs, "Bella. I'm going to do it, okay?"

"Okay," I say breathlessly, blushing more. Ron's been my best mate for years, so why do I suddenly feel a bit awkward at his closeness? "Um, fine. I should... I should go to bed now."

"Okay," Ron says softly, still looking down at me. His gaze is so intense and caring that it makes my stomach flutter. I take a step back and give him another smile before turning and hurrying away. He calls after me, "See you tomorrow, Bella. It's a date!"

"What?" I say, blushing and quickly turning back around. Did he say date? As in a date date? The sort of date a boyfriend and girlfriend go on? But by the time I turn to face Ron again, he's already halfway down the corridor and hurrying away. I stare after him for a moment and then chuckle softly to myself before going back on my way to the Hufflepuff dorms. I go to my bed in the Hufflepuff dorms and sit down at the edge of my bed. I fluff the pillows up before crawling under the covers. With the blankets tucked to my chin, I lie there and think.

Did Ron mean date as in the way friends meet up to hang out sometimes? Or did he mean it in a boyfriend and girlfriend way? And why, more importantly, is my heart pounding so fast at the thought of Ron being my boyfriend? I can actually feel my heartbeat hammering in my chest. But why, I wonder? Ron's just a friend to me. He's my best mate. Why should there be any reason that my heart is fluttering like never before?

I'm overthinking this. I'm tired. Could my lack of energy be causing my unexpected reaction? I close my eyes, praying that sleep will come and take me away from these weird, unexpected thoughts in my mind.

A Hogwarts Romance: Ron Weasley (IN PROGRESS AND UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now