More Pansy Drama

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*Bella's Point Of View*

As the new day dawns, I wake up feeling excited. Ron's playing in a Quidditch game today for Gryffindor against Ravenclaw. Today, I'll be in the stands, cheering for Ron. Sitting up in bed, I slip out of my pyjamas and pull on my Hufflepuff robes, then I walk out to where Ron is waiting for me outside the Common Room. 

"Hey," Ron says, smiling when he sees me. He bites his lip and bounces up and down on his heels. He always has loads of extra energy before a Quidditch game. "I'm excited."

"I know you are," I say as we both start walking together to the Great Hall. "You'll do great at the game, I'm sure." I pat his arm. "You always do."

"I know," Ron says, letting out a little chuckle as the tips of his ears turn red. "Thanks. You'll be cheering for me, right?"

"Of course I will," I say, nodding. "I wouldn't want to cheer for anyone else but you!"

"Great," Ron says as he takes his place at the Gryffindor table. I take my spot at the Hufflepuff table, which is fortunately still very near to Ron's seat and makes it easy for me to chat with him (and Harry and Hermione as well) during meals.

"Hiya, Bella!" Hermione says cheerfully when she sees me. She's holding hands with Harry under the table. "Did Harry tell you that-"

"I know," I giggle, interrupting her. "Harry told me yesterday that you two kissed."

"Oh," Hermione says, smiling and going slightly pink. "Well, I was hoping to be the one to tell you first, but I guess Harry beat me to it!" 

"Oops," Harry chuckles, smiling adoringly at Hermione. 

"Just no snogging in front of us, alright?" I tease, giggling as Harry presses a kiss to Hermione's cheek. "I don't want to see that nasty stuff!"

"Don't spoil all our fun," Harry jokes, playfully sticking his tongue out at me.

"Uh-oh," Hermione says suddenly, choking on her pumpkin juice. She starts coughing, and Harry whacks her on the back helpfully. "Pansy Parkinson's coming." We all turn to see Pansy slowly making her way towards us. Her face twists up with disgust, like she's sucking on a lemon sweet. "I wonder what she wants?"

"Look what we've got here," Pansy sneers when she finally reaches us. She crosses her arms and looks back and forth between Harry and Hermione. "Everyone's favourite couple. Gryffindor's celebrity and the biggest know-it-all in all of Hogwarts! Of course!" Her expression becomes a mean smirk. Looking furiously at Pansy, Hermione moves to stand up, but I stand up first.

"Oh, look what we've got here!" I snap as I rise from my seat and take a step towards Pansy. "Pansy Parkinson: the biggest prat in all of Hogwarts, who constantly follows Draco around like a dog!" From behind me, Ron lets out a low whistle. 

"How... how dare you!" Pansy gasps, looking stunned. "You can't speak to me that way!" She looks as if she might cry. 

"What do you want, Pansy?" I growl. "You must have come here for some reason. Whatever you have to say- just bloody say it already!"

"I... I was just going to remind you I've got my eye on you, you filthy Mudblood girl!" Pansy says after a moment, still looking shocked. "Draco isn't ready to give up, and I'm still going to be here-"

"Oh, sod off. Just get away, Pansy. And stay away," Ron says angrily, stepping in and glaring at Pansy. "Do you want me to slap you again?"

"You wouldn't dare!" Pansy squeaks nervously, her eyes watering. "You wouldn't!" She takes a step back, her lower lip wobbling.

"Believe me, I would," Ron says darkly. His low voice is full of rage. "This is my final warning to you, Pansy. If you dare to come near Bella again, I will personally end your life! And Draco's!" 

"Whoa. Relax, Ron," I say quickly, putting my hand on Ron's arm to calm him as Pansy lets out a sob and runs away.

"Pansy won't dare come near you again," Ron says to me seriously. "I mean it." Taking in a deep breath, the anger finally fades from his face and is replaced by his familiar smile. "Now, let's get back to eating! I've got to have energy for the Quidditch game later today!"

A Hogwarts Romance: Ron Weasley (IN PROGRESS AND UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now