My Biggest Fear

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*Ron's Point Of View*

Night falls. Bella and I decide to call it a night.

"We can meet here tomorrow," I tell Bella as she gathers up her books and prepares to go. "You bring the potion you make, and I'll find a way we can get it to Draco."

"Alright," Bella agrees, nodding. She chews her lip, looking nervous, and I can't stop the quiet sigh that escapes my lips. She's so gorgeous that it must be impossible to be any more perfect than she already is. With books piled high in her arms, she looks up at me with her sweet brown eyes as she murmurs, "Good night, Ron."

"Good night, Bella," I say. "Sweet dreams."

"You too," Bella replies. She gazes up at me for another moment, and I stare back, until she finally turns swiftly and walks out of the Library. I watch her go, staring wistfully after her, before I finally walk out too.

"Hey!" Harry suddenly jumps in my path, seeming to come out of nowhere. I leap back in surprise, letting out a yell. Harry bursts out laughing.

"What was that for?" I say, feeling a bit grumpy as my heart rate slows back down to normal. "Where did you even come from?"

"I've been doing some innocent spying," Harry replies with a cheeky grin. "To see what you and Bella were up to."

"Is everyone a spy nowadays?" I huff, rolling my eyes.

"Probably," Harry chuckles. "It's late, though. We ought to hit the hay, right?"

"That's what I was just going to do," I say slowly. "Before you got the lovely idea to jump out of nowhere and give me a bloody fright like that!"

"So, what were you and Bella up to?" Harry asks once we get up to the Gryffindor dorms. "I could see you two chatting, but I couldn't hear a word of it."

"We're hoping to slip Malfoy a Hate Potion," I say as I climb into my bed. 

"Nice," Harry says as he gets into his bed on the other side of the room. "Hope it works. Night, Ron."

"Night, Harry," I say, tucking the blankets tightly around myself. As soon as my head hits the pillow, I get straight to sleeping and dreaming...

In my dream, a voice is saying my name. Over and over, the voice repeats my name. It almost sounds like a song. I am standing in the Common Room at night in my dream, all alone. A fire is crackling in the fireplace. The only sound is the voice saying my name, like a whisper. Suddenly, Bella appears in the fire. She slowly steps out of the fire and moves towards me. Her face is emotionless. 

"Bella," I say in the dream, smiling at her. 

"Ron," Bella says, smiling at me. Only now do I realise it was her voice I've been hearing say my name over and over.

I love how she says my name.

Suddenly, with no warning, Bella vanishes. Just standing there, she fades away. Like ice on a sunny day, she melts away into nothing. She disappears. She is gone.

"Bella!" I cry out.

And then she reappears. Right in front of me, looking confused, and I wonder if she had ever gone at all.

"Ron," Bella says softly. "You know what your biggest fear is?"

"What is it?" I ask, confused.

"This is," Bella says, and she vanishes again.

"Bella!" I cry out again as soon as she disappears.

"See?" Bella appears in front of me again. "Don't you understand now?" 

"Understand what?" I grunt, frustrated.

"This is your biggest fear," Bella says, smiling as her brown eyes twinkle. She vanishes again, but before I can scream her name, she appears again.

"Is this some sort of riddle?" I ask. "What are you trying to tell me?"

"You have to figure out what I mean by yourself, Ron," Bella replies. "I can't do that for you."

"I'm so confused," I groan.

"Ron," Bella says, smiling again. "You will find out soon enough." She vanishes again.

I wake up in my bed, breathing hard for some reason. Looking around, I remind myself it was all a dream. Letting out a sigh, I wipe the sweat from my face.

That was an odd dream I just had. It had to mean something, I'm sure. I just don't know what it could possibly mean.

Suddenly, it hits me. I understand. It all clicks into place.

My biggest fear is losing Bella.

I've always known my love for Bella, but now I understand it fully. This isn't just any love. This is true love. Even if Bella never feels the same, I know I'll never feel this way about anyone else. Only Bella can make me feel this way.

Bella is my true love. And my biggest fear is losing her.

A Hogwarts Romance: Ron Weasley (IN PROGRESS AND UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now