Pansy Parkinson Is Draco's Little Spy

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*Ron's Point Of View*

When evening comes and classes are out for the day, I walk with Bella to the Library. Bella told Fred and George that they can have the night off from "body-guarding." After all, class is out and we're just going to the Library. What could happen?

"I am happy to report that Draco hasn't been bugging me recently," Bella announces with a grin as we walk. "Actually, come to think of it, he hasn't been in class for a few days. I'm starting to wonder what's happened to him."

"Maybe he died!" I say hopefully.

"Who knows?" Bella says with a shrug. "All is well if it means he won't harass me again. I just want him to let me be."

"Oh!" comes a gasp from behind us. Both Bella and I turn and see Pansy Parkinson walking a short distance away, looking shocked. Pansy's face twists in disgust and anger as she glares at Bella and snarls, "I can't believe you would talk about Draco like that!"

"Pansy, were you eavesdropping on my conversation?" Bella snaps at Pansy.

"Yes!" Pansy replies with a nasty little smirk. "Indeed, I was! And I'm going to tell Draco what you said!"

"I don't care," Bella says with a laugh. "Go ahead and tell him!"

"And while you're at it, tell him I'll kick him into the next country if he dares to touch Bella again!" I add, slipping my arm around Bella protectively as I glare at Pansy.

"Who even are you?" Pansy says to me with a cold stare. With no further comment to me, Pansy turns back to Bella and shouts, "You're rotten! Completely rotten, did you know that? Draco sent me to spy on you for him, since he doesn't want to risk it with that minging wanker always hanging around." She jabs a finger in my direction and continues shouting at Bella. "Draco sent me to spy and see what's really going on between you two." She points back and forth between me and Bella, but still doesn't look my way again. "He thinks you're up to something, and he sent me to find out. And he won't stop until he finds out and gets you back." Pansy's lips tremble and tears slip from her eyes as she frowns at Bella. "Draco really likes you, Bella. He wants you back. He says he'll stop at nothing to make you his again. He promised to reward me greatly if I can find out what you're hiding. This friend of yours is going to pay." She glances over at me in disgust, and then turns back to Bella. "Draco will make sure of that. You know, you're an ungrateful git! Draco could have any girl at Hogwarts, even me, but he loves you. You could at least show him a little appreciation!"

"Oh, I'm sorry," Bella says slowly in a furious voice. "Maybe there's a reason behind it, eh? Did you think of that, Pansy? Maybe the reason I can't be with Draco is because he's a bully! A manky tosser, he is! He's downright cruel to my friends. He was too controlling over me and wouldn't even let me spend time with anyone else! And he's been stalking me and harassing me ever since we broke up! He's been doing things to me, like kissing me, without my permission!" Pausing, Bella's whole body shakes with rage. "You don't want me to continue, do you? How gormless can you be? Well, get this through your head, Pansy! I am done with Draco! I am over him! I don't care what he tries. I am not coming back to him. You can tell him that."

"You don't understand how lucky you are that Draco loves you!" Pansy wails, sobbing and blubbering like an infant. "I would give anything for him to love me! Anything!"

"Why don't you go be with him, then?" Bella snaps. "You can have him! I don't want him."

"Well, who do you want?" Pansy cries. "There must be someone else! Why else would you leave Draco? You're nothing but a plug-ugly slag! Does Draco know what you are, you little Mudblood?"

All the anger I've been trying to hold back suddenly bursts out. Launching myself forward, I let out a scream of rage as I slap Pansy right across the face! With a stunned yelp of pain, Pansy stumbles back and clutches her face, blinking up at me in horror.

"Ron!" Bella says loudly, clutching my arm and slowly leading me away before I can do more damage to Pansy's ugly face. "Leave it, okay?"

"Don't you dare talk to Bella like that ever again," I snarl at Pansy before turning and walking into the Library with Bella.

A Hogwarts Romance: Ron Weasley (IN PROGRESS AND UNDER EDITING)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum