Chapter 15

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She is so nervous, she met up with Aneliya and she was looking for Jessica because no matter how mad she will be, she needed the support of her friend, Aneliya is fast becoming a great friend but she found out that there are still somethings that is better between Jessica and her friendship. Aneliya knows of her past and she knows of hers so she knows about the meeting with the FBI but so far, she does not know anything about the date. Andrea is confident that Aneliya will support her but she does not know of their history and so she cannot be truthful in that manner. She spotted Jessica and waved and smiled at her "ok students, get into your class lines, you will be leaving and coming with your class" Andrea sighed in misery as Jessica gave her a shrug and Aneliya gave her a half hug and left "so your friends with the new girl huh? I heard her brother is gorgeous" she looked to her side to see Priyanka, one of Samantha's friends "I wouldn't know" she tried to move to the front when Charles stepped forward "you told us Aleksandur was Aneliya's brother when you interrupted our little gathering and dragged him away" Andrea hated to be pushed to a corner in any situation "ok fine, yes he is, he has a striking resemblance to the actor Jonathan Whitesell, just more goofy and playful" Andrea never thought of Aleksandur that way because to her, he was like a brother figure and they started treating each other like siblings, same goes for Aneliya, she's my sister. She managed to walk away when the teacher came to count the students and have them sign.

Andrea gave out a loud yelp when she was hit in the back of the head with a ball, she turned and looked around her but could only hear fading laughter and the backs of two guys. She was angry they would do such a thing to her like they always do in P.E but this time she has a chance of payback... well ok not so much as they can abandon the ball but she picked the ball that was slowly rolling towards a gift shop and gave out a shy small smile to the middle-aged man managing the shop and went into a spooky aisle like haunted book store and rolled the ball in and hit a fast retreat. Andrea was comfortable walking alone and looking and visiting through the stores but she couldn't help but notice how people looked at her oddly, probably for being alone and she wanted to roll her eyes at the extroverted crap people seem to attach themselves to. She passed by an old looking coffee shop with a small bookshelf in the corner that was not really decorated for Halloween but somehow just fit into the whole package and remembered the times spent there, a very interesting book that they held was all read by her and she always bugged them to get new ones but the owner always said that the oldies fit the style. Andrea smiled when she thought of how she was treated like VIP because of her frequent visits, but that too was a long time ago, after Roger, the owner died and his high paying lawyer son had taken over it and it then became just another coffee shop. Fredrick was a power-hungry guy that didn't look twice about helping in the café, he, in fact, wanted to sell the place but apparently did not get the price he wanted for it so he had to stick with the shop for now. Andrea thought that it would be fitting to have the meeting here where there is a shift in tide but she wanted to keep the memories in place and not spoilt. She took a short stroll around the place, not afraid to be spotted because Fredrick also got rid of the old staff because they were not professional enough for him, Andrea rolled her eyes when she heard that and steamed in anger but there was nothing she could do, she wanted to go up to him and mention how this place was her favorite place because of the peaceful and friendly environment and he ruined it by making it like every other place, sterile and aloof. She shook her head of all those thoughts and went to meet her so awaited entertaining party at the appointed place.

I focused more on the shy skinny boned boy that was in-between both agents than the actual conversation as the look of him is what made my decision. "Andrea, if you accept this assignment, you will officially be an FBI agent, since you have gone through more than just the course, you just need to graduate and this is one of three assignments" I nodded in understanding but I knew that already, I just didn't know this was one. "I accept" I looked at the poor boy when I said that and I saw the relief there, I guess I was his only chance not to be saddled with middle-aged agents. "are you sure my past... evasions would be nulled?" that was the main goal out of today's meeting, at least for me, until I looked into the boys broken eyes and I was sold. "you have the files, he will be enrolled tomorrow" that would be a sell, to move schools at such a late date, even for a grade eleven entry. I sighed when I saw Aneliya watching from afar and I knew she was watching out for me but she must know that they are the FBI's that I was meeting. The agent on the right of me saw her and frowned and looked at me "she is a friend of mine, military trained by her uncle" if I didn't tell them and they did a search, she and her brother will be investigated as threats. We rounded everything up and they left, I smiled at Daniel and he looked away fast without a smile and it broke a part of me to see how destroyed he was, after reading his file and seeing that we have something in common, I just could not say no to this assignment. "what's so interesting about that boy that's got you hooked?" I looked up at Aneliya and smiled "the look in his eyes reminds me of the last look I saw in Anthony's eyes" I can still remember it like it was just a second ago, Anthony standing over Crystal and I with that broken look and shaky hands holding the gun on us. I looked up when Aneliya gave a reassuring pat in my head and I scowled at her "Don't take this personally but he brought it on himself and you cannot fix it by fixing this boy" I gave out a sigh because I knew she was right but I just cannot let go... he was mine and I failed him, just the way he failed me. "come on, it is almost one and we need to get to the bus" I got up and stretched "I have a date to get to, let's hope it will change my mood" this feeling of depression and dread does not seem to be going away, even with the thought of going on a date with my crush.

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