Chapter 19

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Her opponent was a muscular and fit girl with a mean glint in her eye so you know already that her decision to fight was to inflict pain, she felt lucky because she didn't want to mess up someone that is doing this for a good reason... she only fought twice so there are not many people that know of her so the crowd moved more toward 'The Bullet', Andrea went with the name and thought it meant she was lightning fast. The fight started slowing but she didn't want it slow, she wanted fast and exhorting so she went sliding and pulling her opponent down and punched her a few times and rolled away before she got a hang of her moves, Andrea felt a small release in her anger and anticipated a long-drawn fight. Her opponent made her move and hit her on the stomach but Andrea managed to catch her fist when she moved to her face and kicked her legs out under her and kicked her side and moved away, the crowd was cheering for Andrea now but they caught on that she was not in it to win and just watched. Andrea gave a roundabout kick when she got up but that was the wrong thing to do because she went out like a light bulb, she pushed her way out without even fetching her money. She went home and looked for her phone and she saw that the only messages she's gotten were notifications from Facebook. Strange how with everything, the little things just break you down more, she remembered that it was Crystal that got her hooked to Facebook and she's also the reason she kept it but now with all these notifications messing it up... the memory she had is spoilt by this event that caused her so many notifications. Andrea sent her mom a message stating that she is home, so she does not need to worry or pick her up when she sat down on her bed and decided to write down a poem.

Bright shining star and moon

Shine your light upon me

For the little specks fade into the night

I am your loyal follower

Never did like the sun

Your light ever so dull compared to the day

Compared to the sun rays that burn

In the harsh day

Your light brings forth coolness in paradise...


She is quiet and shy

Approach her cautiously

She strays into her mind

Be comfortable in her absence

She scares easily

No sudden moves

Her thoughts swirl into cotton balls

Don't try to understand

Or you will become tangled

She's struggling to stay afloat

In a sea of sharks

Don't bleed and drown her

Andrea drowned in her memories and decided that she cannot go on like this, she is useless and no amount of training will make up for her mistakes or move her forward, she hurts all who comes to her and now... she cannot give herself to anyone, she wants to go and meet up with Anthony and Crystal again, she was supposed to be with them anyway and she is and will be nothing but a burden here.

Andrea heard a beep beep beep sound and a lot of walking and talking and that's what woke her and after she opened her eyes and blinking to adjust her sight, she noticed that she was in the hospital, the smell should have been a clue. Andrea wanted to cry in frustration because she was supposed to be dead! Now she will be left by explaining why she wanted it all to be over and that is a much scarier thought that she looked and wanted to pull the plug but she knows by how busy the hospital is, that a nurse will be there to stop her. She was freaking out because she needed to attempt suicide again before anyone came to see her and stop her, where are her things? Shit, she needs to calm her heart! Why did I have to be saved? I don't want to be saved! I don't want a life of misery and guilt and failure... I can call a nurse and knock her unconscious and hook her up to the machine and I will be free.

Thank you to everyone who stayed throughout the story, even with the mistakes of the unedited version of Misunderstood. I know I have books that I take forever to finish or/and start another book so it feels really good to publish here a completed book. 

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