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In the small town of New York, a young woman, Trisha Campbell is painting a picture of a crane flying, listening to her music. She has a tattoo of a crane on her upper shoulder blade. Just as her older sister, Maria, who is a sheriff, Trisha turns her head to her attention.

Maria: Trisha! Trisha! Trisha!

Trisha takes off her headphones.

Trisha: Yes?

Maria: I'm about to leave to go to work. Don't you need a ride to school?

Trisha: I'll be ready in a moment.

Maria examines Trisha's painting.

Maria: What's this one?

Trisha: This one is the crane......a beautiful genuine bird....I have to present it to my art class this morning.....

Maria: Art and photography? Out of those two; which one's your favorite?

Trisha: That's a trick question.

Maria laughs.

Maria: Well....once you're done, come downstairs and I'll drop you off at school.

Trisha: Don't you have to be at work at 8?

Maria: I have time....

Maria leaves as Trisha finishes her painting. Afterwards, Trisha comes downstairs where her father Shane is seen reading the news paper about General Tarmac.

Trisha: Hey, Daddy.

Shane: Morning, little bird.

Trisha: Dad....

Shane: What? You're my youngest. You're my little crane.

Trisha: I know...(walks over to Shane) What you reading?

Shane: That nut, Tarmac.....says he's trying to create more of those Enhuman killing machines.

Trisha: Dad, do you really think Enhumans exist?

Shane: Why do you ask?

Trisha: You were a sheriff. I thought you outta know.

Shane: I do know....just not that much....

On the news on their television, Trisha notices a news report on Maria's TV broadcasting about Enhumans.

News Reporter: Today on RDN World News, we examine the growing Enhuman menace, which is a concern of worldwide proportions.

The news shows footage of a warzone in Germany.

News Reporter: This took place in Germany three weeks ago as a young Enhuman stood in defiance to surrender himself to the military.

The young Enhuman in front of the tank releases a burst of energy that destroys the tank, before showing the next footage; a brute Enhuman being beaten by officers, but suddenly fights back, using one of the officers to beat up the other officers around him.

News Reporter: And in China, the authorities attempted to seize control at an Enhuman camp, but they had success with casualties.

Trisha: Whoa....Daddy, are all Enhumans good or bad?

Shane: Some good....some bad...

Maria walks downstairs, putting on her holster and sidearm.

Maria: Trisha....you ready?

Trisha: Yeah.....

Trisha hugs Shane and kisses him goodbye.

Trisha: Bye, Daddy.

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