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In the weight room, Joseph is lifting weights while Trisha is on the treadmill are seen spotting each other while lifting weights. Dominic is punching a punching bag. Eva and Arianna are doing their curl ups and sit ups. Trisha is giving a disappointed look as she joins the woman in sits ups and curls. Charles is hanging upside down while lifting himself in the air.

Arianna: You all right, love? You look like you've got a sad face.

Trisha: Not sad....just disappointed.

Eva: Hey, Trisha, do not worry, honey. My father isn't upset with you. No one is.....Everyone has destroyed the Grid in their first test as well.

Dominic: but that was a very big blast, man. What did you do?

Trisha: To be honest, I have no friggin clue I could do that!

Joseph: Well, at least now we can definitely have our light show. (laughs)

Trisha gives a look.

Joseph: I'm not making fun of you.

Trisha: I tried to apologize to Mr. Parker for all the damage I did.

Joseph: Hey, Trisha. All seriousness; don't feel too bad. Like Eva said, we've all destroyed the Grid in some worst manner....shit, you should've seen what Dominic and I did.

Dominic: Hey! I bet Parker was much worse than mine!

James walks in.

James: Oh, he was.

Dominic: I knew it! See; he's the one with laser beam energy, superstrength and flight! He's bound to put a dent in the Grid more than all of us!

James: (laughs) I won't confirm or deny if my Dad has destroyed the Grid once or twice.

Charles: Oh, god....don't remind me....I scratched up the Grid and tore apart a few drones with my first time. Anyways, least this gives me an excuse to replace the projector inducers and realign the holographic image projections.

Joseph walks over to Trisha, who is still disappointed in herself.

Joseph: Hey, Trisha.....don't feel too down, okay? We've all been through this.

Trisha: What if I never learn to control my powers?

Joseph: Dude, that's crazy. Of course, you can. You simply need to preserve your training.

Trisha: These powers I have. They sure as hell scare me.

Joseph: Every Super has felt that way initially. Some of us are still struggling to control them.

Trisha: Don't kid me. I can see it's all a cake walk for all you guys. You guys don't have any problems.

A moment as the team remains silent for a moment.

Trisha: Oh, uh....

James: I beg to differ. We've all had our mishaps.

Trisha: Well.....what'd you all do?

James: (sighs)

Trisha: Seriously?

James: When I was a kid, I was bullied.....I just was so angry at my bully.....I was pushed....I disfigured my bully with my powers.....destroyed half my school....after that, I felt guilty....I ran.....I ran away from home....was homeless for a while...but then my Dad gave me a chance.

Dominic: I..uh....I...when I was a junkie.....I was basically a wreck....after my parents died, I was sent to a foster home. It was crap so I...uh...took off with my brother....we looked after each other....My brother was my best friend....these human dealers came after us....and my powers came in....I just went ballistic....I ended up killing them....and I stabbed him with a smoke blade by accident.....

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