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At the Parker Tower, James and Charles are in the labs, inspecting the stolen Xenon.

Charles: What do you think the humans can do with this sort of thing? Controlling Enhumans?

James: The doctor said it was a life form.....what do you see?

Xiang: V.O.X?

V.O.X scans the Xenon.

V.O.X: I detect a life form in the machine...whether it is from this planet or not....I do not know....perhaps another dimension....

James: Another dimension? Impossible...out of this world? Probably...uh...sorry, V.O.X, don't mean to insult Charle's created intelligence.

V.O.X: Apology accepted. I sometimes make fun of how your rear end looks too tight in your uniform.

James: You've taught her sarcasm now?

Charles: Hey, man, some of you call her "a robot".

James: that was a joke.....you know those "I am not a robot" things you do when you have to re-put your password in?

Meanwhile, in the Chronicle, Parker is using the machine, before opening his eyes in shock.

John: (quietly) Shit.

Suddenly, a crash alerts everyone in the Tower, causing damage to V.O.X.

Joseph: Jesus!

Trisha: What the hell?!

Charles: V.O.X?! V.O.X?! Damn it!

Telepathically, Genesis talks to John.

Genesis: (telepathically) John...you can hear me, can't you? I need to have a talk with you......now...

John walks out of the Chronicle and meets with James, Eva, Charles and Arianna.

James: What was that?

John: It's Adrian...he needs to talk, but I cannot...this would be a great opportunity to read his mind and see what his true plans are....

Eva: Okay....we'll go outside and talk with Genesis....the kids will stay and guard you.

Charles: I will stay and try to help repair V.O.X

Trisha: What can I do?

Eva: You go with Charles. See if you can help get V.O.X's up and back online...hopefully getting the defenses working if we can't keep Tombs out...give my Dad as much time as possible.....

On the roof of Parker Tower, Dragonfly, Sun Sorceress and Mother Nature walk outside and are greeted by Genesis, Scarlett and a few other Purifiers.

Genesis: I don't think I called for the kids....I want John now!

Dragonfly: He's busy.

Genesis: Bullshit....where is he?

Sun Sorceress: He can't come out right now, but we'll speak for him.

Genesis: Okay then...

In the high-tech level, Quantum continues to try and use the Chronicle to read Genesis' mind as Power Surge, Neon Crane and Ember outside the door keeping guard. The Owl is attempting to power up V.O.X's defenses.

The Owl: Come on, girl.

On the rooftop of Parker Tower, Genesis speaks to Dragonfly, Sun Sorceress, Blizzard Mother Nature.

Genesis: no doubt that you have found out about the torture chambers my daughter here found in New Jersey. This should be enough proof that humanity is nothing, but dogs without leashes. Filthy animals that see us as roaches.

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