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In Australia, at the Abraham Plant, the core is activating while the Eagle is en route with Dragonfly and the Owl following. Inside the Eagle, Neon Crane is sitting in front of Power Surge.

Power Surge: you okay?

Neon Crane: Yeah, it's just...usually if I mess up in class, I just get a bad grade.....if I mess up here, thousands of people will die and it will be my fault.

Power Surge: Hey, that's why we're here....to stop that from happening....you have a whole team here that's got your back.

Power Surge and Neon Crane share a smile, before Ember gives a look jealousy and anger.

Quantum: Approaching Abraham Nuclear Plant now....taking her down.

Sun Sorceress parks the Eagle on the roof of the Nuclear Plant Facility, before the team departs. Dragonfly and the Owl land on the roof of the facility and joins the team.

Dragonfly: V.O.X?

V.O.X: Scans are verified with Enhuman heat signatures, sir....they're here.

Quantum: Okay, we split up in teams of twos. Sun Sorceress, Neon Crane, Power Surge, you're with me. We're checking the east wing. Mother Nature, you and Dragonfly take Owl and Ember to the west wing.

The team separates while inside the nuke plant, Quantum, Sun Sorceress, Neon Crane and Power Surge enter the building through the air ducts.

Quantum: They attacked a nuclear plant in broad daylight? They're becoming more persistent than we thought. (Talks in earpiece) Dragonfly, you guys in yet?

In another part of the plant, Dragonfly, The Owl, Mother Nature and Ember enter.

Dragonfly: You forget my suit cannot fit through the frickin air ducts. It's made a sheet metal!

The Owl: Try being an owl hybrid and then talk to me about squeezing through a vent.

Dragonfly: All right...let's move.

Meanwhile, Quantum's team continues moving throughout the facility.

Neon Crane: Okay, I hate to be the one to ask this, but what if we can't stop the nuclear meltdown?

Quantum: My son's suit has a core in his suit that can absorb radiation.

Neon Crane: But won't that kill him?

Quantum: No, his suit will help keep the radiation out of his body as long as it can. I'm hoping we or we will find the Purifiers and stop them before that happens.

Neon Crane: How come his suit can do that?

Power Surge: You sure do ask a lot of questions....

Neon Crane: Hey, it's my first actual mission. Give me a break....not to mention, it's in a nuclear plant.

Power Surge: We've handled situations like this before...

Neon Crane: Nuclear plants?

Sonic: No, this is a first...

Neon Crane: Oh, great confidence.

An explosion is heard as both teams begin proceeding forward. They spot many lab techs in hazmat suits running away. Quantum's team comes across several fleeing lab techs, before of the technicians stops in front of the team.

Neon Crane: Hey!

Lab Technician # 1: Oy! Let me live! Please! I have a family!

Sun Sorceress: Calm down! We're not here to hurt you. We're here to stop the Enhumans that attacked this facility.

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