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song for chapter- Guilty Conscience by Eminem and Dr Dre
(put on repeat)

"drink. smoke. pass out. wake up. and move on! and if that doesn't work, just do it again! that's what's fucked up about today's society! you just give up when shit gets hard! wake and smell the cow shit people!!! getting smacked gets ya' nowhere in life! you have to try sometimes," she finishes off with a breath.

"thank you, Mandy, for that. but uh...maybe next time no swearing," Mr.Wright says. he applauds the insensitive, well at least i'd like to think, student as she takes her seat which is unfortunately next to mine.

"i hope you payed attention to my presentation," she whispers, looking over to me with her chin held high.

i turn my head from my comfortable position in my arms to look at her, "how could i miss it? you were practically screaming down my throat," i reply.

her cocky smile was quickly rid from her face as if the whole world got snatched from her grasp. she scoffed turning back to the teacher who was talking.

"okay class, don't forget that next week we'll be starting a project called 'crimes/felonies that should be legal.' or anything illegal for that matter. i'll assign partners tomorrow," says our teacher.

and of course little miss 'Daddy's Girl' raises her hand to add on. in amusement and mostly annoyance, i sit up in my seat, crossing my arms over my chest as i wait for the prick to speak.

"Mr.Wright, are there any forbidden crimes?" she asks.

"yes Miss Lance, murder, rape, and any outrageous crimes," he replies, but he wasn't looking at her. he was looking directly at me.

"oh shit, i already had some really good reasons why i should get away with murdering a few people," i chime in.

a few people giggle some others roll their eyes as if it were predictable for me to say that, Mr.Wright being one of those annoyed people.

"i'm sorry Miss Day but you're gonna have to change your whole project,"

"that is...if you're going to do it," Mr.Wright adds.

"MISTER WRIGHT! how silly of you to take me as a nonparticipant student! of course i will do your rather important assignment," i reply sarcastically.

"i'm sure you will, anywa-" the school bell rang signally for us seniors to get to lunch.

as we all left Mr.Wrights class room, i made way to the cafeteria where i found my friend waiting for me.

as untrue as it sounds, i had more friends. they just didn't hang out with me at school. i already had a bad reputation and to be seen with a bunch of drug dealers just makes my situation more obvious.

"RACHEL!" i hear. i turn my head in the direction of the noise to find William, my 'best' friend in the middle of the crowded cafeteria.

i walked towards him with a convincing and true smile on my face.

"you will not believe what 'miss ass kisser' had to present today," i said with a laugh as we sat down at an empty table.

"do tell. do tell," he responds in a proper voice. "actually just summarize it i don't want to know it all," he adds with an eye roll.

"smoke drink and die. you're all fucked up. you need help. you can't just drink your feelings!" i imitate.

"typical," he responds.

"i just don't get how she can be insensitive like that. i mean SORRY we don't get 100 dollars every time we bat our eyelashes at our 'daddies.' no one here owns a fucking Tesla except you," i say, directed mostly towards Mandy.

all William does is nod in response. we just sit in silence as we eat the shitty school lunch. that is until the blonde haired princess strolls through the cafeteria doors with her little clique.

a bunch off boys, popular and 'jocks' woof whistle at mainly her. her cocky smirk grew across her face as she made her way to our table.

don't get me wrong, she is absolutely gorgeous. that's just what makes me hate her more. though are bodies are practically the same, both about 5'5 and petite, a fair boob size...not that i've been looking or anything, and a good amount of ass.

the only reason why i hate her for her body is that she was glorified for hers and i was shamed for mine.

sure i'd get hit on but what bothered me was when it got physical. also my 'family' wasn't too proud of me.

constantly shaming me in every way. i have a dad and 3 brothers. no mom. i lost her when i was 9.

i was drawn from my thoughts as miss perfect began to speak. "not sitting with your druggie friends today now are we?" she said.

i looked up only to see her and her friends standing at our table. "not being shut up by a dick in our mouth today are we?" i spat back.

"oh come on 'Richie' we know you're not sober. we all have our secrets," her minion Julia speaks up. Julia is a dumb brunette who just has boobs, a butt, and a mouth.

"that's right Mandy, we ALL have our secrets," i say as i get up and leave the cafeteria.

A/N- sorry if this was kinda boring but i gets better i guess. i hope you enjoyed for those who DID read💘

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