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song for chapter- honey by andrew muccitelli
(put on repeat)

and that's exactly what i did. i listened to his advice. i went straight home that day and got rid of it all. my brothers watched me as if i were insane. i said all they needed to know was that i'm changing.

my life wasn't going to depend on drugs. not on taking pills. not on snorting powder. not on smoking blunts. my days and nights weren't going to consist of drinking my feelings. no more sips of tequila. no more shots.

i dumped out all of my drugs, not even bothering to sell any. the remedies that i once knew best, now gone. all in the trash.

except for one.

the tequila bottle.

that's because of the words i once said.

and i will make sure this bottle is never empty. but i will not fill it with alcohol.

as i walk through the front doors of the school, that tequila bottle is sitting on my windowsill filled with water and a couple flowers.

every time a follower dies, i will replace the flower and clean the water. as cheesy as it sounds but instead of tequila, my life will consist of positivity.

and every time someone leaves or something bad happens, i will replace a dying flower instead of drink alcohol.

and if my plan I'm doing doesn't work out, i'll replace a flower in that bottle.

with that being said, i rush down the main hall of my high school, searching for Mandy. i spot her by her locker along with Julia and Olivia.

her beautiful brown eyes look away from the two girls in front of her as she spots me pushing through the crowd of people. she stops talking and pushes past them.

i finally reach her and gently grab her hand and pull her to the middle of the hall as she stares at me in confusion.

students gather in an audience and circle around the two people who are known as the biggest enemies throughout the whole school.

"what are you doing?" she whispers. i look back to her as we stop walking and stand with her in the middle of the makeshift circle.

i take both of her soft hands in mine and look into her eyes as if it's only us in the world. that's what it seemed like. as i look at her beautiful presence more and more it's like everyone else disappeared.

"Mandy," i begin loud enough for everyone watching to hear. "everyone here knows us as the two girls who hate each other the most in this whole school. well. they don't know you like i know you. they know you as the bitchy rich girl who fucks everyone," i chuckle at the last part. i take a breath in before continuing. "they don't know the sweet girl i know. they don't see your beauty like i do. they don't understand your pain like i do. they don't see the affectionate girl i do. they don't know the humble girl i know. and they definitely don't love you like i love you Mandy."

she smiles as she hears the last part, forgetting everyone else in the room. "so Miss Mandy Lance, since i didn't ask you properly the first time, will you be my girlfriend?" i ask, earning gasps as everyone's jaw drops.

after nodding and saying yes for what seemed like a million times, i pulled her into a sweet and loving kiss in front of everyone. before the kiss could get any farther, we pulled away with beaming smiles.

some people clap, some people whispering, others whistling loudly. holding hands, she leads me towards Julia.

"oh JULIAAA!" Mandy exclaims in a cheery voice drenched in sarcasm. "you can tell my dad to stop paying you since you clearly failed at your job," she finishes.

"you guys are gross," she scoffs.

"and so are your botched lips," i say before pulling Mandy back into the large circle made by students.

"if any one of you have a problem with Mandy and i being madly in love then you can go snort pollen!" i yell teasingly into the crowd.

"what if we're not allergic to pollen?" someone yells out.

"well just snort it anyways until i can come up with a better comeback," i giggle.

(play afterglow by the driving era)

Mandy smiles as she pulls me into another passionate kiss.

after our scene at school, we rushed as fast as we could to her mansion and into her fathers home office where we found him sitting behind a huge desk.

"Mandy i thought i told you to stay away from her," he says in anger.

"sir, with all do respect, your daughter and i love-" i get interrupted by Mandy scoffing.

but that wasn't all. she grabbed my waist and dipped me as dancers do before giving a long smooch right on the lips. in front of her father.

standing back on my feet after this kiss, i see her father breathing heavily as his face turns red, rage evident in his eyes.

"fuck you i'm moving in with mom. we already talked about it."

and with that we walk to her cars before driving off.

right then and there i knew i would love her until that bottles empty.

until i'm empty.
until she's empty
until it's empty.

the end

a/n~ sorry if that was a cheesy ending but if you made it this far i love you💘

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