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song for chapter- Greek God by conan gray
(put on repeat)

Mandy's POV-

i knew she was drinking her feelings. i've been worried about her ever since i came home with her brother that one night.

that morning we found her screaming for Mark made my heart break. i understand that i fucked up by being a bitch to her. it doesn't help. i know that.

i'm just trying to hide my true feelings. just like her. she's trying to hide her hurt. the hurt that i feel is because of the amount of love i have.

once my father found out, he threatened to send me away and i couldn't stand being apart from her. i had to push her away. but at least i still get to see her. right?

he's been paying me to stay away from her. this project was an acception. i told him before i left the house that we were finishing it at her house. but she was supposed to come over at 4:00 pm. it's now 7:00pm and that's why i'm here.

as i made my way to her apartment i played out all the possible scenarios that could go down.

life or death i guess?

once i made it to her door i heard glass breaking. out of worry i opened the door and ran to her room after i shut it.

i basically bust down her bedroom door. her beautiful freckled cheeks were stained with tears. her blue eyes held the most hurt in the world. her blonde hair all over place.

she was sitting up in her bed. her lower half of her body tangled in her white comforter. the bruises on her arms were more evident in her white tank top.

the glass that was thrown against the wall brought me back down from my thoughts.

"what. are. you doing here?" Rachel's raspy voice asks. i take a few steps towards her bed and sit down next to her.

"are you okay" i ask softly.

she turns back to look at the wall before saying "make up your fucking mind," she says coldly.

i furrow my brows in confusion. what does she mean?

"you wanna spread more rumors Mandy?"

"what are you talking about?" i ask confused.

"'i bet it was her brother' really?! my brother?!" she yells.

"i didn't say that."

she ignores my response and picks up the same bottle of tequila she had on Tuesday. my eyes widen when i see that it's almost empty though it was barely drank when i saw it first.

"you see this tequila bottle?" she asks.


"the emptier it gets, the emptier i get."

"you shouldn't drink," i say getting up. i take the alcohol out of her hands to help but that just sets her off.

"hey give it back!" she yells drunkenly.

"no," i respond sternly as i set it down on Marks bed which is next to the door.

"i need it! please! i need it!" she says running after it. i hold her back as she tries to reach it as if her life depended on it.

"no! stop! you're becoming your dad! stop it!" i yell, pushing the wasted girl on her bed. she sits up quietly. completely shocked by what i said.

i slowly walk towards her bed as she crawls to the other side and lays down on her back. i lay down beside her hesitantly.

"did you mean that?" she sniffles her tears as she speaks.

i turn my body to face her and see that she's already done the same. "mean what?" i ask, tucking a piece of her golden blonde hair behind her ear.

i stair at her two piercings on that ear as she speaks again, one a diamond earring and one a crescent moon. "that i'm my...d-dad?"

"you're not him," i say as i stare into her beautiful eyes.

"what did you mean," she says as she closes her eyes, my stare almost intimidating. though i mean for my gaze to be soft, i guess she's intimidated by the lack of space between our bodies and faces.

"you are far from him. i just don't want someone who's so precious to go down that path," i say, my minty breath slightly passing to her lips.


"Rich, you're absolutely beautiful. your sarcasm is hilarious even though i seem like it offends me, it actually makes me laugh. you're so strong though you've been through so much shit. and i know you try to act dumb but i've seen your grades. you drinking is just gonna make those things drop," i reply staring into her now opened eyes.

the affect she has on me by being so vulnerable softens my heart. her beautiful soul deserves so much better. though she's drunk, i want nothing more than to just melt into her soft pink lips.

"then do it," she whispers as i caress her cheek with my thumb.


"you said you wanna kiss me," she almost breaths. it wouldn't be hard to do since our lips and bodies were literally an inch apart.

"but you're drun-"

Rachel's POV-

i cut her off by colliding my lips with her. all those times i imagined for this to happen, it's now reality.

the kiss was so passionate and filled with want. our lips fit perfectly together. the alcohol in my system started taking over making me become the horny teen girl that was hiding.

i rolled us over, me straddling her as the kiss became a heated make out. almost immediately her arms snakes around my waist as i attacked her neck with kiss, Mandy moaning in response.

with her pulling on the roots of my hair just made me want to take her right then and there. and with me being drunk, i started lifting up her hoodie.

"not tonight, you're drunk Rich," she says, breaking the kiss.

all i do is nod response before plopping down beside her. before i could get into a comfortable position, she pulled me back on top of her.

for the rest of the night we just laid there. legs tangled with on another. my head in the crook of her neck. arms around each other's waist. her playing with my hair.

just pure love and happiness.

something. i've been missing for 8 years.

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