Man of Fire, Man of Smoke. An Alabastan Adventure!

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As soon as we hit dry land, Luffy leapt of the ship and hit the ground running. The crew shouted for him to wait, but he was already gone, no doubt looking for the nearest restaurant.

"What should we do?", Vivi questioned, "Nanohana is a large town. It'l be very hard to find Luffy."

"Don't worry Vivi-Chan", Sanji reassured, "We'll just search for the noisiest spot in town. He'll be there."

"Haha, you got that right", Usopp chuckled.

"Anyways, I wish he'd pay more heed to the bounty on his head", Nami sighed, "especially in a big country like this one."

"That'll happen when Bullfango fly", I said.

"Just let him take care of himself", Zoro yawned, "let's go eat, then we can deal with him."

"If you want, I could go find him", I said, "I mean, Baroque Works probably wouldn't be able to recognize me with this armor on, and I don't have a bounty."

"That's true", Vivi said, "just one thing.  If you're gonna go after him, could you recall your monster?  Pantheroar, was his name, right?  We need to keep a low profile if possible, and he'd just make you stand out.  You can call for him if you're in danger, but just for now..."

I nodded, she was right.

"Alright", I replied, dismissing Pantheroar in a flash of blue light.

"Come find us as soon as you find Luffy, okay?", Vivi said.

I nodded, leaving Navirou with Vivi before heading off.  Navirou would be much safer with them for now.  

I quickly began scouring Nanohana checking every food stall and restaurant I came across.  No sign of Luffy, but I did see a bunch of marines running around.  Were they here to deal with the rebellion?  Either way, I knew to avoid them, seeing as they only ever caused trouble for me back  at Kori Village.  Thankfully, my armor only got a few stares, and no one tried to pick a fight with me.  

"Damnit Luffy, where the hell did you run off to?", I murmured, leaving another restaurant once I determined Luffy wasn't there.  Then, a blur ran past me, and I quickly recognized it as Luffy.  I made a beeline for him, trying not to knock anyone over as I ran.  

"THERE!  THAT'S A RESTAURANT!", he shouted, drooling as he spotted a restaurant up ahead.

"Wait for me Luffy!", I called after him.

He didn't hear me though, and bolted towards the restaurant.  How the hell could he be so careless with not only Baroque Works running around, but also the Marines?!  This was supposed to be a stealthy operation, not a goddamn siege!  

Luffy bolted through the doors and I skidded to a stop when I heard a loud crash followed by several people screaming.  I poked my head inside and saw a massive hole in the wall of the restaurant, along with holes going through several adjacent buildings!  I saw Luffy sitting on the floor cheering and rolled my eyes.  He quickly parked his butt in a seat at the bar and started demanding food.  I walked over and smacked him over the head.

"I'm sorry about him", I apologized to the owner, bowing my head before shooting a glare at Luffy, "He just has no self control sometimes."

The other patrons seemed utterly shocked by Luffy's actions, while I just felt embarrassed.  Still, the owner served him food, although he kept suggesting that Luffy and I run.  I was confused by this, when suddenly a silver-haired man was standing in the opening Luffy created.  I put my hand on my sword upon seeing the marine uniform he was wearing.  He wore an open, white jacket with green fur lining the collar and edges of the sleeves, and black pants.  He wore goggles around his neck, and was smoking two cigars.

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