Chapter 12

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It has been nine days since my examination and breakdown, and the doctors are going to have me come in again tomorrow. In the meantime, I have been hanging out with Loki and Rika. Well, mostly Loki. Rika has been spending more and more time with Fandril since they got engaged. Yes, you heard me, engaged. Rika is over the moon with joy, and Fandril has put his playboy act on hold. They have set the wedding date for a saturday next month. I am now sitting with Rika and Frigga, planning the details of the wedding. Loki is on a hunting trip/ guys week with all the other men, I forced him to go because he was worrying himself to death over me. They all left on Sunday, and I already miss him.

"...what do you think Claire?" Rika asks, and her words go in my ear and out the other.

"Yes, thats a great idea." I say, noncommittally. She looks at me, but I am staring at the table. She says something else, and I tilt my head.

"Purple for the bridesmaids? Sounds good to me." I honestly am not paying attention, my mind is on Loki. There is a weird ache in my heart, as if a piece of it is missing. It has only been one day, and I already am missing him.

"CLAIRE!" Rika shouts, and I snap out my daze.

"What!?" I say, starting. She and Frigga are both looking at me, about to laugh.

"I just asked you if Thor and Loki should wear purple dresses to wedding." She looks at me, and I blush.

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." They look at each other, and then burst out laughing.

"Honey, that much was obvious." Frigga says, stroking my hair with her hand. I fall back onto the sofa, sending pillows everywhere.

"I miss him." I say, and they both nod in understanding.

"I miss him, but it has only been six days." I say, slightly frustrated. Frigga comes over and puts my head on her lap, continuing to stroke my hair.

"Claire, that it completely normal. When I first met Fandril, I was useless for a week. I walked around in a daze, much like you right now."

"Did your heart hurt too?" I ask, unconsciously rubbing over where my heart would be. She frowns, and looks at Frigga.

"At first no, but now I do. Boy, you must be in love with Loki more than I thought." She says, putting down the wedding plans and looking at me.

"You are now at the doctor for emotions-"

"Physciatrist." I interrupt her.

"Physciatrist. Now describe in detail what you feel when you look at Loki." I look at her.

"This is stupid." I complain, fidgeting nervously. She glares at me.

"Fine fine." I take a second and think, trying to put my feelings into words.

"I feel like a storm of butterflies has invaded my body. I want to always be with him, and I miss him when I'm not. He helps me be happy, to forget about my illness and have fun. I am comforted by a simple gesture as him holding my hand." I finish, and look at my hands, blushing.

"Well, I have good news and bad news." I look at her in suspicion, recognizing the quote.

"I like to watch TV. Now the good news are in love with Loki. The bad news is, this feeling of missing him will only get worse." I scowl at her.

"Well that helped." I say, throwing my hands up in the air.

"Hey, don't insult the Physciatrist." I roll my eyes at her.

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