Chapter 18

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"Don't worry, I will visit again sometime!" I say, hugging Pamela and fixing her hair.

"I know, but you are still my daughter. Even if you are up in Asgard with a handsome prince who is trying to save your life. I wish I was your age again." She says sighing, and I laugh.

"Mom! You don't need to be young to have romance. Besides, I heard that someone went on a date with Coulson." I say, winking at her.

"It was not a date! Just a friendly dinner between two friends." She denies and I grin.

"Sure, and you are just going to another dinner tomorrow for fun as friends. That is right isn't it?" She goes beet red and I laugh.

"How do you find these things out?" She says, busying herself with packing my suitcase.

"Being with Loki causes you to have a knack of finding things out." I say shrugging.

"And is falling in love with him one of those things?" She says, and I shut my mouth.

"Point taken. How do you find these things out? Clint doesn't know does he?" I ask, thinking over all the interactions between Loki and I the past couple of days. I thought we did a good job concealing our affection for each other.

"Don't worry, I don't think he noticed. It takes a mother's eye to see these things. Plus, Loki told me."

"He did? Why on earth would he do that?" I wonder out loud and she smiles.

"He wanted to get my permission before he officially started courting you. He is a good man, admittedly a little dark and misled." I give her a hug and grab my suitcase, closing it and we walk out the room.

"I know." I say, looking at Loki down the corridor. Standing around him is everyone, and I laugh at the uncomfortable look on his face. They might fight together, but they are still getting over the New York incident.

"Bye." I say, giving Natasha a hug. The rest of them follow, and the very last is Clint.

"See ya later Clint." I say, giving him a tight hug. His arms wrap around me and hold me tight.

"Okay, kinda not breathing here." I joke, and he loosens his grip.

"See ya later Clairebear. You have everything? Clothes, shoes, communication device?" He asks and I nod, ticking all the items off in a mental checklist.

"Yep. Unlike you, I don't forget things." I tease, ruffling his hair.

"Get lost Tiny." He teases and I turn to Fury.

"Sir." I say, giving him a smile and salute.

"Ma'am." He says, nodding at me. I walk next to Loki, and he takes my suitcase. Waving at everyone, the golden rays of the Bifrost surround us and we return to Asgard.

"Welcome home." Heimdall says, and I smile at him.

"Thank you." I say, walking out and through the gates.

"Ahhh, I can breathe properly again. You glad to be home Loki?" I say, when he suddenly kisses me. I sigh happily, having missed the flow of sparks every time this happens.

"Yes." He says, slightly breathless.

"What was that for?" I ask, tilting my head.

"I missed that." He says simply, and I laugh.

"I missed it too." I say giving him a quick kiss and grabbing my suitcase.

"Come on, lets go put this away." I say, and he follows me to the castle. Opening the door, I am attacked by a flurry of red, pink, and orange.

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