Chapter 29

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Im back! 

It is very hard for me to give freequent updates due to my finals and Ramadan and I dont want to put the book on hold so at this point I will update whenever I have some free time, It may not be daily but something is better than nothing! plase bare with me guys and im sure after my finals we will go back to regular updates!

And I want everyone to keep @Pinkisaha2012 in their prayers as she is currently in Ahmedabad for her Mothers operation, I request everyone to pray for her and her family! 




Shivay And Anika were peacefully sleeping until the rays of the cruel sun came in and woke them up!

Shivay- Good morning Jaan!

Ani snuggled lazily more onto his chest

Ani- ummmm Let me sleep!

Shivay smiled at her reaction!

Shivay- Kumbhakarn!

Ani jolted up!

Ani- Hey im not Kumbhakarn! 

Shivay- Glad you woke up!

Ani- uhhhh I hate you!

Shivay pecked her lip

Shivay- I hate you more!

Saying that he got up from the bed and went to the washroom leaving a confused Ani! all she could hear was the rushing sound of water! after 10 minutes Shivay came back still naked!

Ani- Uhhh Shivay ware some clothes at least youre dick is just flopping all over the place!

Shivay- naa im good!

saying that he picked Ani up who was covering herself with the bedsheet!

Ani- Shivay put me down im naked!

Shivay- I know you are and you dont need to hide your body we saw each other naked already!

Ani bit her lip as the sheet rolled off her! she held onto his neck for support and he carried her into the washroom!

Shivay- This will help your pain! saying that he gently place Ani in the warm bath and ha also got in, Ani was sitting on Shivay's torso while both of them were submerged in the hot water!

Shivay- is it paining?

Ani- It's just a painting sensation!

Shivay- Im going to add pressure on your pubic area!

Ani- Ummm ok!

saying that Shivay applied pressure on Ani's pubic area so that it can release the pain, he then started to massage that Area that made Ani feel good!

Ani- Yeh that feels good!

Shivay- is the pain going?

Ani- It feels good!

Shivay- Oh so my baby like it as pleasure! well, in that case, let me give you more pleasure!

saying that he inserted his middle finger inside her tight hole which made her gasp! he thrust it in and out of her tight pussy that just shrunk overnight! he then inserted another finger making Ani moan more!


Shivay- Oh yeh you like my fingers inside your tight little pussy!

Her RevengeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang