The Crush♡

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Maverick and Cash Baker had been your best friends since you were all 7. You all grew up together, you were now in high school and you've had a crush on Maverick for about a year. Cash had found out about your crush on him but swore he would never tell. School was getting out for Summer Vacation in 1 day! You couldn't wait. You were still close with Cash but not as much to Maverick for he was into girls and started dating Lexi, the hottest and popular girl at school. You walked to your last class of the day and for the school year. You had that class with Cash and Maverick. You slowly walked into class and saw Cash wave to you, you sat next to him and the teacher said you guys could have a free period.

Cash:Hey what's up?

Y/n:Um, the sky? *laughs*

Cash:Ugh you know what I meant, so how's it been with my brother?

He said pointing at him.

Y/n:CASH! Shut up! You know he hates me now that he is with Lexi

Cash:He doesn't hate you, in fact he said yesterday that he doesn't understand why you don't hang with us that much, like we used too

Y/n:You know why Cash...

Cash:Well I do, but he doesn't, don't you think you should tell him?

Maverick walked over to you guys. You looked at him, then Cash, all Cash did was look at Maverick. 

Maverick:Uh, Hey y/n

You  looked up at him but didn't saying anything, you couldn't bring yourself to say a word...not even "hi"

Cash:Uh, sorry Mav she just isn't feeling that well, her head hurts

Maverick:Oh sorry y/n I'll talk to you guys later

He walked away and you smiled at Cash.

Y/n:You saved me there thank you

Cash:That's why I'm your best friend right? *laughs*

You laughed and looked up to see Lexi walk in.... 

Word count:315

𝐌𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤/𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐡 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 {✔}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora