You take some of their food

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-You guys were out at (go ahead and pick a place to eat at😂)

-You weren't all that hungry so you just ordered a drink

-Maverick ordered a full meal

-When he wasn't looking you snuck bits of his food

-You got caught....oops?

-You just smiled and shrugged while he rolled his eyes playfully

-Gave you some of the food anyway


-Y'all were at (again pick wherever)

-You ordered some fries

-While he ordered a lot of food

-You finished your fries

-His food just looked so good, so you snuck some of it

-He looked at your plate maybe twice and never noticed

-You got caught taking more

- "Why didn't you tell me you wanted food, I would've shared"

-Gives you half the food and smiles at you

Hope you enjoyed! Thanks to the person who requested it :)

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