New Girl

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A/N- I know this is a book about Maverick Baker imagines but this chapter and maybe some more in the future will be with Cash, so enjoy!

Y/N's POV~
It was the first day of school, well for me that is. I just recently moved since my dad got a new job. I went exploring the first day we got here, I like it here but not that much. Today I started at a new high school, since I'm 16.

Beep beep beep
Beep beep beep

I jumped up and hit the OFF button of my alarm, I really don't wanna go to a new school. I sighed and went to my closet to get my clothes, I walked into the bathroom and changed.

I walked downstairs and saw that my mom and dad left for work already

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I walked downstairs and saw that my mom and dad left for work already. I grabbed an apple, my phone, bag, and whatever else I would need and walked outside locking the door behind me. I put in my ear buds and started my walk to school.

Cash's POV~
Me and Maverick were heading to school, Maverick was driving, of course. I looked out my window and saw a girl walking in the direction of school, I've never seen her around here before....she's really pretty. "Cash? Cash!!" I heard Maverick yell, I jumped a little and looked at him, "Hmm? Sorry what happened?", "Why weren't you-Oh I see you like the new girl? CASH HAS A CRUSH! CASH IS CRUSHING ON THE NEW GIRL!" He yelled laughing. I shook my head but my face turned red, "Is she the one I'm supposed to show around today?" Maverick shrugged, "Well if it is, you'll be lucky" He pulled into the school parking lot, "Good luck Cash" Then he walked inside.

Y/N's POV~
The halls were a mess, students were talking or running or just standing around. No one wanted to help me find the office. The sound of lockers and students laughing filled the halls and echoed in my ears. I finally found the office and walked up to the main desk, "H-hi I'm Y/N Y/L/N", "Hello I'm Karen, your the new girl right?" I nodded my head as I gripped my backpack tighter, "A student will come and show you around, just have a seat and wait" I walked over to one of the chairs and sat down, sighing, today is gonna be a long day. Soon the bell rang and this kid came into the office. Karen pointed at me and I stood up, holy crap he's cute-get a hold of yourself y/n! "Hey, ready for the tour?" I nodded a little and we walked out into the halls.

Cash's POV~
Turns out the girl I saw walking ended up being the new girl, the one who I was giving the tour too. "I'm Cash, Cash Baker" I said smiling at her, "Y/N Y/L/N". "Pretty name", she blushed a little as we walked. "So here's your locker-oh cool mine is two lockers down from yours" She giggled at how excited I was, her giggle is adorable, wow I'm falling hard. I showed her around, explained her classes and it turns out we have all the same classes expect for History. "Hey um...I know we just met but do you maybe wanna hang out after school? With me and my brother Maverick?" I asked hoping she would say yes, "Sure, why not?" She smiled. "Awesome, well come on, let's get to class and then I'll meet you here for lunch, you can meet Maverick then"

Y/N's POV~
I sat through my classes, the teacher put Cash next to me in all of them except History since we didn't share that class. I think I really like him I walked out of class, history, and headed to my locker to meet Cash there. At lunch I sat with him and Maverick. Mavericks chill and laid back, I have a feeling we'll get along great.

~End of the day~

The halls we're crowed which I slowly got used too. I went to my locker and packed my things up for the day. "Hey ready to go?" I jumped as I saw Cash standing at my locker, "Yea, just give a girl a warning next time" I laughed standing up, "Well where's the fun in that" He laughed as we walked to the doors, pushing them open. Our hands brushed against each other every now and then and I couldn't help but blush, a light shade of pink covering my cheeks. We reached Mavericks car and climbed in. Cash sat in the backseat with me as we talked and laughed with one another. "What did you think of the school Y/n?" Maverick asked looking at me through the mirror, "It's nice, just not used to it yet that's all" He nodded before smirking, "Got your eye on anyone?", I blushed madly and looked out the window to hide my face. We pulled up outside their house and walked in, "So do you?" Cash asked referring to Mav's question, "Mhm" I nodded smiling a little as we walked to the kitchen table and took out our books and homework. Maverick threw an apple at me which I caught and bit into. "Y/n I know this may be soon but I really like you" Cash said looking at his paper, "Good thing I really like you too" I smirked at him as he smiled. Maybe this place won't be so bad after all....

Maverick's POV~
Awh young love, oh I'm so planning their wedding!!

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