The Crush (pt.2)

863 21 5

*If the writing looks like this it's your thoughts

If the writing is in bold it's text messages*

Lexi walked in the room, everyone looked at her before going back to whatever they were doing. You looked at Cash, he could tell you were kinda mad about her walking in. Lexi shot you a dirty look before walking over to Maverick. Cash noticed and started to show you something on his phone so that you wouldn't pay attention to her. 

Lexi:Hi Maverick

Maverick:Um, hey Lexi

Why wasn't he greeting her like he used to? Lexi wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss. Maverick pulled back a minute later with a half smile. You could feel you eyes burn. You ran out of the classroom and into the bathroom. Your eyes were red and puffy. You just hated Lexi so much. "Why couldn't I just be strong? He won't ever like me like I like him" you thought to yourself. You heard a faint voice from outside 

Maverick:Y/n? Please talk to me...


You walked out of the bathroom and saw Maverick standing there, a sad expression on his face. 

Maverick:Y/n, please talk to me, I don't know what I did wrong, I miss you...

You stared at him, not sure what to say. "He missed me? Are you kidding? He doesn't like me and he has a new girlfriend, if anything I'm the sad loser who misses him!" You could feel the tears in your eyes. 

Y/n:Don't say something you don't mean Mav

Maverick:But it's true, I do miss you, please what did I do? 

Y/n:Dating Lexi was enough...

And with that you went to you locker, grabbed all your things and rushed home. Summer vacation was already off to a terrible start. You were about halfway home when Cash came up behind me. 

Cash:Why didn't you wait for me?

Y/n:Sorry I just got annoyed with Maverick...

Cash:It's fine, come on let's go have some fun, summer vacation just started and your supposed to be happy! 

You sighed and nodded your head. You dropped your stuff off at Cash's house since he lived next door. Thank god Maverick wasn't home yet. You and Cash walked to Starbucks and just talked and acted like idiots. Once you both got back to Cash's house you walked inside and grabbed your things. Maverick looked at you and sighed. You ignored him and walked inside your house. You put your stuff in your room and changed. You flopped on your bed and pulled your phone out. You got a nonfiction that read, "5 new messages from:Mav😔🖤💔" You put your phone on your bedside table and sighed. "Why did I have to fall for someone who I had no chance with?"

Word Count:451

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