Bakugou Katsuki: Lost (3)

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Oh my gawd, this turned out longer than I expected. Waahh!!

Yoo, how have y'all been holding up? The feels isn't over, so I hope you've prepared some tissues~ (~_^)

But honestly, my heart hurts when I finished the last two parts.

Originally, I planned for this to just be two parts, but I had so many ideas for this that I didn't realize that the second part was starting to reach almost 10,000 words Σ(O_O;)

There'll still be mentions of abuse, so you have been warned!

A Bakugou Katsuki x Reader. People have a hard time letting go of their suffering. Out of a fear of the unknown, they prefer suffering that is familiar.

Got that from a random Pinterest quote I saw. Enjoy!


No, no. This isn't true.

[Is this (L/N) (Y/N)? Daughter of (L/N) (FR/N)?]

Tell me this isn't true.

[I need you to listen to me. I'm Jonouchi Katsuya*, I'm a co-worker of your father.] (A/N: *another Yu-Gi-Oh! reference! ^w^)

Please tell me this is all a dream.

[Your father he. . . He was on his way for a meeting in a branch company.]

You couldn't believe what this man was saying. At least, that's what you wanted to feel.

[. . . Beat the red light. . .]

[. . . Car crash. . .]

[. . . Critically injured. . .]

[. . . Dead on arrival. . .]

You didn't want to believe. You wanted that man to somehow say it was all a big joke along the lines.

But the moment you stepped into the hospital, and saw that body covered in pure white sheets, all your attempts of denial came tumbling down.

Michiko was there, bawling her eyes out, as well as the man called Jounouchi. You wanted to think that Michiko's tears were all fake, but as Jonouchi looked at you. His eyes that held nothing but the truth, everything came crashing down.

Your dad was dead.

You couldn't do anything. You only watched Michiko cry as she stood beside his covered corpse. You were outside the room they were in, eyes wide, the life slowly draining from your pupils. You only watched in silence, unmoving. Your heart ached so bad that you felt like it was going to burst out of your chest any second now. Your chest felt tight, a huge lump in your throat. You wanted to say something, but your stomach was stirring that you felt like throwing up instead. But you still didn't move. You could only stare, reading the tag stuck on the bed with your father's name and other information.

He's dead.

He's dead.

He's dead.

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