Togata Mirio: Always Here

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Fufufu~ my first Mirio one-shot~

Golden boy deserves some love, so, as requested by apophiisx, I hope y'all like it!

(Oh gosh, I'm so embarrassed. I forgot to include the dedication. I'm so sorry! T_T)

A Togata Mirio x Reader. You don't always need to hide what you truly feel.


"Good morning. . ."

"Ah, morning, (L/N). . ." Hado's sentence trailed off as she registered in your appearance—droopy eyes, pink cheeks, and a disposable mask covering half of your face.

"Eh? (L/N)-chan, you're looking awfully suspicious today," she said. "Are you feeling okay?"

You sniffled, waving a hand side to side to dismiss her worries.

"I'm fine, Hado-san," you said. "Just a little hay fever, I guess."

Hado hummed, studying your face.

"Well, it is spring after all," the worried furrow on her brows hasn't disappeared yet. "But, is it alright for you to still come to class even in that state?"

You nodded. "I'll be fine. I couldn't afford to miss any classes today, so. . ."

"Who's missing classes?"

A sudden male voice coming from behind you made your shoulders jump, turning to see Togata, a close friend of yours and your secret crush.

"Ah, Togata-kun, morning!" Hado greeted, the said male greeting her back. His eyes glanced down at you, noticing your appearance.

"Oh? Is something wrong, (L/N)?" He asked. You shook your head, opening your mouth to answer him, but Hado already beat you to it,

"Hey, hey, Togata-kun, listen to this!" She started. "Apparently, (L/N)-chan here's caught a hay fever!"

"Hay fever? Isn't that bad?" Togata's hand reached out to touch your forehead. Your eyes widened in alarm, stepping back. The opposite male noticed your reaction, and paused his movement.

"I-It's not really a good idea to touch me right now, Togata-kun," you reasoned. "I'm fine, really!"

His brows furrowed in concern.

"Is that so? Well, if you ever felt worse, we can help you out to the infirmary."

"Yeah. Thank you!"

You internally sighed, relieved to hear the bell ring to signal the start of class, thus cutting off your conversation with the two. T-That was close. You went on your seat, giving a small greeting to the introverted elf sitting beside you.

You did your best to focus on the lesson, despite the heavy feeling of your sinuses. You certainly didn't expect waking up earlier with a strange feeling. You thought you might've just felt cold as you woke up without your blanket on your body anymore. But, as you took a bath and readied yourself, that's when the sneezing came.

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