Bonus Chapter

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Laws of Siblinghood has reached 1K reads. It is my first book to have accomplished this and I still find it unbelievable that something I wrote has received such response. This chapter is kind of a gift for you guys. Since I have to explain everything that has happened since the end, it's gonna be a long one. Grab a snack and settle down in your favorite reading place.

This has made my day and I thought I could at least put a smile on the readers who helped me achieve this.

This one's for you guys.


"Mom!" Ray yelled from upstairs.

I ignored it and continued to work on my laptop. She yelled once again, her cry more desperate this time. I sighed and shut my laptop to go find her.

As I walked upstairs, I could here a noise coming from Ray's bedroom. Her bedroom door was open and I peeked inside to find her holding Gracie in her arms and was swinging her in an attempt to shush her.

A couple of months before my 22nd birthday, Carmen and Dad had told us that they were expecting a child. It was fun watching Dad listen to her and try to to calm her when she was having one of her mood swings. Carmen could be very cranky when she wanted to be and her pregnancy had brought out her cranky side a lot. Ray and I had great times watching Dad behave like a helpless puppy during Carmen's mood swings.

Katy and I had started our event management business with Colin being our financial manager. The business had been slow at start but after our first event - a small wedding, our popularity had increased rapidly.

"Why are you yelling?" I asked Ray, entering her room. "It's eleven o'clock in the night."

"Mom asked me to put Gracie to sleep. She won't sleep or stop crying." Ray said looking extremely worried and tired as she swinged Gracie back and forth.

"Don't wake your Mom. The poor woman had to handle Gracie and those annoying people from Dad's work all day. She's finally getting some rest."

"She won't stop crying, Zack. What do I do?" Ray asked.

"Let me take her." I said and took my baby sister in my arms. I tried to shush her by rocking her slightly patting her back but it only increased the volume of her cries.

"Did you try feeding her?" I asked.

"Mom did that." Ray answered.


"Around 7:30 in the evening."

I rolled my eyes. "Babies need to eat every two - three hours. She's hungry. Go get her a bottle."

"Don't give me that look. I'm just fourteen. I don't have years of experience of handling babies." Ray give me an irritated look.

"Don't you ever look at the mirror?" I asked.

She glared daggers at me. "If you were not holding Gracie, I would have hit you."

"Yeah, yeah. Go get the bottle." I said waving her off.

She left the room but not before shooting me a venomous look. I chuckled before taking Gracie to her room. Ray and I had spent nine months throwing out the old stuff, cleaning, colouring and completely redecorating the spare room to make it a place fit for Gracie. We had done all the work by ourselves, not letting any of the parents enter it until we were done.

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