Surprising Clint.

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"Y/n, Strange? I'm baaaack!!" I heard his voice echo throughout the house, I looked at Steven and he nodded, he went out and distracted him while I snuck around and stood behind him, Steve told him to put the bags behind him, as he turned around, I said in a normal was with a very sweet smile, "Hey Clint, I missed you!" He jumped out of his skin, dropping the bags he was holding. "Y/N, you... you're silent?" He looked confused and then started to show excitement, "You're silent! That's got to be a power!" He picked me up and started to spin me round, I hugged him and didn't want to let go, but I had to get a shower, first to find it...

-I know this chapter was short but I have an impatient friend waiting for the next part-

Hawkeye (Clint Barton) And Loki laufeyson x readerWhere stories live. Discover now