Eight: Good terms..?

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Sorry for the short delay, hehe! Then again, this is ALPHAGGUK, and was Yeontannie_Bop❤ check my profile before unfollowing uwu sksksksk



"Jungkook?" Taehyung says, trying not to let out a whimper as Jungkook hums in response

"Can you please not stand by me.. Too close?" Taehyung says as he blushed at his own sudden order "People might suspect.." He trails off as Jungkook rolled his eyes as stepped a little bit far from him

"Yea, whatever." Jungkook says as he kept his hands on his coat's pockets, with Taehyung looking down at the ground as they made their way to the nearby cafeteria

The glass door opens with a loud chime from the bells above it, with Jungkook entering first and not even bothering to wait for Taehyung to get in.

"Such a brat." He mumbles again, opening the door for himself as he let out a frustrated sigh

"Taehyung ah!" He hears his manager say from the left side, he turns to look with a smile, seeing his manager sitting alone and was clearly there waiting for him

"Hyungnim.." Taehyung greets sheepishly when he sees Yoongi frowning at the person beside him

"Why is he here?" Yoongi asks as Jungkook crossed his arms

"Went to come with him. Why?" Jungkook says with his one brow raised, with Yoongi immitating it after

"You're acting so weird, Jeon." Yoongi mumbles but did invite the two to sit down infront of him

Taehyung blushed, trapped since Jungkook decided to sit beside him. Well, it's his mate radar doing this right?

"Yea yea. Whatever." Jungkook rolls his eyes, staring the the menu to order his food

"So uhm.." Taehyung says as Yoongi snapped back to his original purpose "oh yeah, how are you by the way Tae?" He asks as Taehyung bit his lower lip- debating on telling him the truth or just tell him little details

"A-am fine hyung, just a little bit dizzy and had been feeling the urge to throw up. Maybe because I drank too much last night.." He explains with an akward laugh, with Jungkook coughing fakely beside him as Yoongi began to grow suspicious

"As far as I know, Jungkook doesn't care about you. Why're ya here Jeon?" Yoongi repeats his question, directly facing Jungkook who has his arms crossed

He remains silent, looking at Yoongi with an amused yet bored expression.

"Don't make me repeat my sentence for else I'll force a collaboration between the two of you." Yoongi says with a glare, only to get a huff out of Jungkook

"Ew. No." Jungkook says, pretending to be disgusted of what he heard as he shrugs

Taehyung scrunched his nose, a way of him saying "ew" as he shooked his head at Yoongi who rolled his eyes at the two.

"Alright," Yoongi says, completely giving up "Are you sure you're okay Tae? You wanna go to the hospital to make sure?" He asks worriedly as his hand reached for Taehyung, getting an unconcious growl from Jungkook

"I-I'm really fine hyungnim." Taehyung says, face pink as he was flustered. Yoongi was the type of manager who was always worried about him, it gives him a cute way of being flustered even if Yoongi constantly gets worried of him.

"Alright, but do rest--" Before Yoongi can even give out his advice to Taehyung, he hears a pound on their table, making them turn to Jungkook who stood up with his palms on the table

"I'm going to the bathroom." Was all that he said, but was clearly glaring at Yoongi, before eyeing Taehyung, munbling something unaudible and leaving them behind

"Well," Taehyung akwardly coughs "I'm sorry in behalf for that brat." He says with a deep sigh

Silence wrapped their area, it thickens and it became uncomfortable, but Taehyung didn't know what to say- so he remains quiet.

"Who's the father?"

"What?" Taehyung asks quickly when he hears Yoongi's sudden question

"I said. Who's the father of that baby." Yoongi repeats on a stern way

Taehyung gulps, fuck. He knew e had no choice but to spill, otherwise Yoongi gets mad.

"Ju-jungkook." He whispers quietly, looking down as Yoongi noticed the bite mark on his neck

"Tough night, isn't it?" Yoongi says as he shooked his head in disbelief, "What's your plan now, Taehyung?" He asks as Taehyung bit his lower lip anxiously

"I-I'm keeping it, but I'm scared.. What about my career hyung?" He whimpers as Yoongi sighs

"I can't let you go, Tae. But soon enough you'll have to tell everyone your true identity in the rank and that baby of yours.." Yoongi explains as he smiles at Taehyung assuringly "People would still accept you no matter what if they truly love you Taehyung. Remember that."

Taehyung nods his head slowly, lookibg at Yoongi in the eye as he speaks up, "But Jungkook.. He became my mate.. I know I gave him my permission but.. He was drunk hyung.." He explains as he gently touched the permanent mark on his neck

"I know Jungkook is a brat of his own world and that you two has misunderstandings.." Yoongi starts off, but then again smiled at Taehyung "He is a human too, and I'm sure he'll love you and that bundle of joy you'll be having." He says as Taehyung stopped his tears from flowing

"Th-thank you hyung.. I was too scared but you really helped me alot, I don't even know where I'll go if you're not here.." Taehyung finally returns the smile Yoongi gave him but then frowns when he remembers something

"But my mom, Yoongi.. I'm so scared.. Knowing she doesn't look at me as her child, I don't think she'll accept that I got myself pregnant.. With her frenemy's son.." Taehyung then again cries silently, hell was just the definition of his whole life. He accepts the baby and was happy for it, but knowing his mom, she'll just shower him insults

"Don't show up to your mom for now.. It'll stress you out, and that isn't good." Yoongi adviced as Taehyung nods his head

"Right.." He mumbles as Jungkook finally came back

"Now what did I miss?" Jungkook asks, while Yoongi turned to give him a glare

"My fist in your face, knowing you're the child's dad." Yoongi spats as Taehyung chuckles, watching the two starting a small fight as he sighs and held his tummy

"Time for a new change soon, baby." He mumbles as he smiles, having a family with his enemy wouldn't be bad at all,


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