Ten: Broken Family

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"May I at least know who you are?" Taehyung asks, furrowing hisbeyebrows as he carefully eyed the male on his front door

Since it was his day off, he had decided to stay at his home to give his baby a proper bedrest and meals. Though he had becoming emotional on some shows on TV, he dealt with it.

Taehyung soon heard his doorbell ring for about two times, so he went to open the door.

"Ah, hi! I know Jungkook has been a real brat but I assure you I don't have that on my blood." The black haired male introduced as Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows

"Ah! You must be his brother right?" He exclaims as he finally remember his mom mentioning Jungkook's older brother.

"Correction. Half brother. I'm Jeon Jimin," He adds as Taehyung smiles in return, moving to the side to let Jimin inside his home

"Nice to meet you finally in person Jimin." Taehyung says before closing the door behind them, leading Jimin to his large living room

"Woah, your home looks quite large for just one person." Jimin comments as Taehyung chuckles akwardly

"I know, but for some reason I like it when I live in a large home, and besides.. I'll have someone to accompany me soon." Taehyung rubs his tummy, an answer to Jimin's question as the black haired male nods his head

"Understandable. I'm a beta." Jimin says with his eyesmile, which sent comfort to Taehyung who hums as a response

"What brings you here by the way?" Taehyung asks, trying not to sound rude as Jimin averted his gaze from the TV

"Ah, right. I came by to accompany you, well not like Jungkook told me to, I wanted to at least get to know the one who is carrying my brother's baby." Jimin explains as Taehyung blushed. Jimin was such a sweet guy, a little too far from Jungkook's attitude

"Sure, I would want to get to know you better too!" Taehyung says with his box smile- starting up with basic questions you would often hear when starting up a friendship


It became fast for the two. They got along quicker than expected, especially the fact that they share alot in common. The two seems to be comfortable with each other's presence, as Taehyung thought it wouldn't be a bad idea to have Jimin as his companion- his best friend.

"Minnie. Can I call you that?" Taehyung asks as Jimin chuckles

"Sure, only if you let me call you Taetae." Jimin replies as the male nodded his head

"I wouldn't mind that." Taehyung says as Jimin began to choose another movie they're gonna watch

"But hey, Tae.. Do you mind if I ask why you and Jungkook don't really get along? Is it because of his attitude?" Jimin suddenly asks, knowing it was way too early to ask Taehyung personal questions, hut trying doesn't hurt.

"Uhm.." Taehyung says, remaining silent as he decided not to answer the question. He himself can't really answer on why he left Jungkook behind when they were young- especially that they were the closest friends during their childhood days.

But some thing do change, don't they?

The unexpected thing is that-- Jungkook made him pregnant. Taehyung clearly had no plans on hooking up with Jungkook. Even just for a night. He would rather live without Jungkook if it was possible- but he doesn't want a broken family for his baby.

He doesn't want their baby to experience his own background. A broken and unhappy family. Taehyung doesn't want his baby to grow up without a "dad". So no matter what happens- he'll take it all just to make his family complete.

"Ah! It's alright, I'm sorry to bother you with that question. A curious me can't help it. My aplologies--"

"No no, it's really alright. I don't mind. Maybe today isn't the time for you to know yet min ah." Taehyung says as he remained quiet after that, with Jimin having no choice but to leave his question unanswered.

But he hopes to know.

For he feels this weird bond between the two of them. It was unlikely as mate, but it was something else.

But what? He really can't tell. He'll need time for answers. Everything requires time.

And the right timing of course.

But then their little hangout was interrupted by the doorbell ringing again.

"Did you order something minnie?" Taehyung asks as Jimin shooked his head

"Maybe some fanmails then. I'll go get it." Taehyung says as he leaves Jimin on the living room, waiting as he opened the door

"Jungkook?" Taehyung asks, in a muttering way as the called male scoffed but scratched his nape after

"Manager nim told me to do this, he knew you were pregnant with my baby soo uh.. Do you like eating cake? I but some on the way-- But! Don't think about me caring okay just-- he told me to do this." Jungkook says in a fast way- almost rapping but luckily Taehyung catched up on what he was saying

"You bought cake for me?" Taehyung clarifies, trying hard not to coo at Jungkook for actually being like this to him

"For the baby." Jungkook quickly clarifies as he lifts the box of cake up, in level of his chest as he carefully shoves it for Taehyung to hold

"Uhm, alright. Come in." Taehyung says, holding the cake in one hand as he closed the door behind him, and just like what he did to Jimin- he leads him to his living room

"Oh? Why're ya suddenly here?" Jimin asks as he sees his brother by the entrance of the living room, completely changing his comfy position into some proper one

"No, why are ya here first?" Jungkook asks as Jimin rolled his eyes, "I went to say hi to Taehyung. You?" Jimin asks as Jungkook looks away from him

"Uh.." Jungkook says, but then became silent

"You bought cake? Yey!" Jimin says as he moved towards Taehyung to look at the cake

"Hey! That's not yours!" Jungkook exclaims suddenly, but then took it back with a glare to Jimin

"Then for who?" Jimin asks, but slowly turned his gaze to a flustered Taehyung

"It's for the baby!!" Jungkook reasoned out as Jimin shrugs with a chuckle

"Yeah yeah, whatever suits your fancy." Jimin snickered as he shooked his head in disbelief


I'm not a soft person." Jungkook uttered as Taehyung sighs in disbelief

Will he ever change?

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