☑ Plot summarization + explained ☑

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Hello, my dearest ggukie! You have reached the end of this book, and I would like to also take this opportunity to say thank you so much for the overwhelming love and support!❤

Also congratulations for surviving the drama🥺🥰

I will be writing EPILOGUE and BONUS CHAPTERS for this book and there will be something important written in the contents! I will to surprise and give out the best fluff so please stay tuned🥺

I am also aware of my readers getting a little but confused with some things I wrote, so I will be listing down a few things/facts that may help you understand better.

PLOT: It's basically two rival idols having an accidental collaboration after they have shared a hotel room together. If it weren't for Taetae's sudden heat, nothing would have happened.

(the smut still had tae's consent, so Jungkook did not rape him or whatsover. they may be wasted with drinks but I have mentioned that Taehyung was still sober enough to process what happened- it's just that he couldn't react to it differently because of his heat+Jungkook's dominant pheromones.)

About family tree, I could still see some readers getting confused and deciding to skip the main drama of my story. I am so sorry to trouble or confuse you guys, I will be explaining it now and hopefully it will make even more sense.

In the earlier chapters, specifically chapter Fifty Three: Rumors -- The flashback for Soyeon's background along with the Jeon Generation was finally revealed.

The content of the chapter had simply shown their life behind closed curtains. Hyujin, being the new leader of the Jeon Generation- he had huge responsibilities which had made him ignore his true mate (Minhye) and had molded him into a cold and heartless person when it comes to others especially Soyeon.

This explains why Hyujin was rude to Soyeon especially when he found out that she was incapable of bearing him a child (a heir for the Jeon Generation). Upon having Areum as a surrogate mother, Soyeon was also forced to comply with the rules of acting as the one who is pregnant which was later on written at the next chapter Fifty Four: The secret of pain.

In this chapter, Soyeon's "pregnancy" was finally announced to the public. Their main target was to make everyone believe that she was the one who was carrying the heir via weekly checkups that was actually meant for Areum-- just written under Soyeon's name to avoid the risks of being caught.

We could also see her trying to impress Hyujin though the male never showed interest to whatever she pulls off- only caring when she does something stupid or against the rules.

Soyeon was clearly under the Jeon family's control and her one sided love for Hyujin was the only reason why she decided to hold on.

For the last flashback which is chapter Fifty Five: Soyeon's hatred.

This is where things went downhill for Jeon Generation. After Soyeon's fake labor, she was forced to take good care of Jungkook alone as Hyujin went out for his business trips.

What's even more worse was that she was constantly insulted by Hyujin, her struggles with being a mother for Jungkook wasn't appreciated and when Jimin finally came to picture- Soyeon knew she wouldn't be able to contain her anger any longer.

So when Hyujin had left them for good, Soyeon drops the act of being the perfect mother for both Jungkook and Jimin who wasn't her children at the first place.

With her pent-up anger and hopelessness, she began to blame Hyujin's mate baby with everything she had found wrong.

Which had gone over the limit that resulted Soyeon hurting Jimin.

Alright! case closed for this one, is it still complicated? comment your question and I will do my best to answer them.

Okie, now let's proceed with Jungkook's little grudge against Taehyung at the early chapters.

As you may have recalled, Taehyung made a promise to Jungkook about not leaving him behind for the sake of their friendship.

Of course it was a cute naive promise between them, but why did Jungkook mention something like "You didn't see me grow up anyways."?

Well, let's just say that Minhye had to move into a different place for her own safety- and to avoid conflict with seeing Jimin in person again (which luckily didn't happen, or she would've had said something that can reveal Jimin's true identity as a mate baby).

Kinda immature for Jungkook to sulk just because Taehyung moved away without saying goodbye hmm? 🤫

Now I am finally done with explaining the plot, so I will now drop facts and end this chapter.


*Stuck With You's title came from my soulmate so I would love to reach my thanks to them!

*The chapters for this book should have ended around 50, but I got new ideas to add which somehow made me reach 100 instead lol!

*Taehyung's father was the one who interviewed Jungkook👀 But I didn't really mention him as it was kinda unnecessary to do so.

*The story's twist came unexpected (for me! lol!) as it was only a random thought that I managed to dig ideas from.

*For a healthy pregnancy after cesarean, it should happen around 2-3 years. Of course they do have sex but Taetae still can't get pregnant until MinJun turns 2 years old for the sake of a healthy pregnancy. (So yeah, I didn't exaggerate, did I?)

*I took tons of research about pregnancy that I also ask my mom about it, lol!

*I wanted Jiminnie to get pregnant but since he's a beta, he's going to stick with adoptions instead :<

*Also! An omega's process of getting pregnant is faster, which explains why tae knew about it the day after. (he was on his heat, and it is a way of welcoming alphas to mark him and give him his pups)


Thank you so so much Mint_Cane and IMSORRYSUGA for making a FANART for this book! I really love them so much and I appreciate the effort! ❤

Thank you so so much Mint_Cane and IMSORRYSUGA for making a FANART for this book! I really love them so much and I appreciate the effort! ❤

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So then again, thank you so much for the love and support everyone gave for this book. I'm very emotional and happy that it finally came to an end🥰🥺

Stay tuned for EPILOGUE + BONUS CHAPTERS pwease🥺❤

I love you all my ggukies. See you in my other books and on the remaining side chapters🥰

Also! please put down your feedback for my story, I wanna see your opinions about it too👀💕


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