Eighty Eight: Multi-tasking

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/this isn't a YOONMIN special anymore! maybe will do one soon./

Also please show authornim love, I have been sad as I delay the updates and I feel like they're not good at all. ;-;

Enjoy <3


"There, there my little wolfie~" Jungkook cooed, trying to ease Minjun who was crying again. He wasn't sure on what to do, but he did not want to wake Taehyung who was in deep sleep after breast feeding their son.

Minjun still did not stop crying, resulting for Jungkook to step out of their room as the baby's cry might disturb the omega's slumber- he knew that Taehyung needed to rest, and now the work was just all to him.

"Let's see.." Troubled, Jungkook takes ahold of the small memo pad where he had scribbled some of the important stuff when he was in charge of Minjun. Taehyung sure did tease him about this- but as a young parent he still have alot to learn.

"You're clearly full as Tae fed you.." There comes the next one on the list- oh how he hated to check if their wolf had a dirty diaper. Well, it was part of parenting- sucks but worth it as Taehyung isn't gonna be bothered while he sleeps.

He lays the baby on the bed designed for diaper and clothing change-- letting out a sigh before checking and confirming that the wolf had a dirty diaper. "You peed on it now hmm? Okay, let's change your diapy~" Jungkook baby talks, smiling and tickling Minjun's chin as it did stop crying when he was getting his underwear changed.

Jungkook carefully takes off Minjun's dirty diaper, throwing it to the small dustbin nearby as he grabs a new diaper. "Now, don't pee on dad okay?" He says, almost like he was begging- sure he have don this a couple of times, but either Jimin or Yoongi was there to watch over him.

Carefully, he lifts up Minjun again- placing the diaper underneath along with a fresh pair of onesie just so the baby won't be irritated and cry anymore.

That was when he felt it. Jungkook shuts his eyes, sighing in disbelief as he felt a wet warm patch on his shirt. "Minjunnie.." He starts off, though he wasn't really mad at his son- in fact, he couldn't even help himself but laugh.

The young wolf however, gave him a toothless smile with his eyes closed like he was really satisfied of what he had done. For such a look, how can Jungkook get upset even for a little? Minjun was just a cute innocent baby anyways.

"Alright, you had your fun little one." Jungkook lays Minjun back down, cleaning him off and dabbing some baby powder on Minjun's body parts.

With a little more care, Jungkook was finally done with changing Minjun's diaper and clothes. "See? Now my son's so fresh and comfy." He grins, pecking Minjun's forehead before lifting him off the small bed- making sure not to press him on the wet patch on his shirt.

"It's your sleep time now, daddy has to clean himself this time." Jungkook walks over the crib which was placed on their room- knowing that their son still needs to be watched carefully with such age.

He places Minjun down to the soft mattress of his crib, adjusting the side pillows and making sure that the fence of the baby bed was locked tight. "Sleep well baby." Jungkook cooed, letting the wolf suck on his pacifier before backing away to stretch his sore muscles.

Eversince Taehyung gave birth, Jungkook didn't have the chance for himself anymore. It wasn't the same routine of waking up nor working out at a certain time of the day.

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