Fifty Six: A date

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"Jiminnie's.. My half brother?" Taehyung gasps silently, eyes wide at the explaination he have heard- sure he misunderstood everything, but at least it was all clear to him.

"Correction," Jungkook chuckled. "Our brother. Jiminnie basically is the bridge of us- he is also the one who connected you and me."

"Right!" Taehyung says out of excitement, as if a child that had learned another logical fact. "Is this why I feel so attached to Minnie? I knew we were more than just soulmates!" He claps his hands- eversince he was younger, he had wished for a brother to depend on but his mother refused to grant him one anymore.

"I am stupid to be jealous over the two of you, too." Jungkook blushed, recalling the past vlive about Vmin and it made him cringe.

"Eh, I think it's not. We still didn't know about the truth way back before- so I will let your jerky persona pass." Taehyung joked, fondly caressing his big baby bump. "But now that we know the truth, it's pretty clear on why we had seperated." He smiled.

"Not because I'm a bad influence to you," Reaching for the alpha's hand, he gave it a gentle squeeze. "But because of our parent's conflict that got us involved. I'm sorry for not being there to continue our promise kookie." He pouts, eyes getting teary again as he never wanted to leave with Jungkook's knowledge about it.

Just when he thought it was for the best- it turned out for the worst.

"It's not your fault Taehyung. Stop pointing it all to yourself. Soyeon had her fault, I misunderstood everything and I guess I grew up despising your whole being." Jungkook lifts his hand that was holding his mate's pecking it.

"But now, I realized that judging you for not knowing the reason behind your leave wasn't a good move. I underestimated your kindness Tae.." A pang if guilt then washed upon Jungkook's inner state, feeling immature to what he have done before- he should've waited for Taehyung instead of wasting it through hate.

"It had passed now kook ah. We couldn't change it anymore but what's more important is that I have you for myself now and pretty soon you'll be a dad." Taehyung assures, leaning to peck the alpha's cheeks. "So don't be sad now okay? I'll cry if you do."

Jungkook pauses for a short while, nodding wordlessly as he pulls away. "Enough of this shall we? We have discussed enough and I wouldn't want to recall such bitter past we have." He chuckles. "Let's focus on our present time and for our son's future. Taekoo's future." Upon mentioning he nickname, Taehyung blushed and giggled.

"I know you're still mad at me," Jungkook says, with Taehyung automatically acting like he was sulking. "But what you saw earlier was a reservation talk."

"What do you mean?" Taehyung asked almost instantly, eyes sparkling with curiousity that Jungkook had always admired the most about him.

"My sister has a restaurant and then I later found out that she is one of the most recommended." The alpha explains before tapping the omega's thigh. "I made a reservation for our date. Now if I were you, i'd get dressed."

"Awe, you're the best alpha ever- Kookie!" Taehyung squeals, hugging his mate who nods at the obvious compliment. "I always am Tae. No one else."

"Whatever~ Just get dressed too! I'm hungry!" He says, playfully hitting Jungkook's bicep before pecking his lips.


"Oh! Are you Taehyung?" Jiwoo spoke upon seeing the two entering her busy restaurant. Striding towards them, a smile was plastered across her face.

Taehyung nods, shyly as he held Jungkook's hand close to him. "I'm so sorry if you misunderstood about earlier." The beta says, with the alpha explaining that everything is going fine.

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