bitch on the side chapter 1

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Next morning

It was Monday and I had school I dragged my self out of bed and walked to the bathroom.

Me: oi who Evers in there hurry the fuck up I need a wee! I shouted banging on the door

Yaritza: oi one minute man  

Ahh I hate living in this house with so many people I would go live with my mum but you know.... I swear down I don't understand why it takes a 14 year old so long to get ready after no body ent looking them. After about 20 minutes she opened the door caked in make up and stinking of wait MY perfume kmt

Me: yara stop fucking using my shit man I pushed past her and made my way into the bathroom I was fuming when I got in she had left the lid off my perfume bottle and it had all spilt on the floor what made  it worse was that my mum had got it me aswell. Storming out the bathroom I went to my twin sisters room were Lara and Yaritza were getting ready I grabbed Yaritza by her hair and slammed her head into the mirror causing it to smash and her nose to bleed.

Me: don't fucking touch my stuff you stupid bitch how many times! I shouted she stood there holding her bleeding nose crying  I didn't care im sick of telling them well not so much Lara but Yaritza its like she cant hear always wearing my stuff putting on my make up im sick of it.

Yaritza: you fucking bitch you broke my nose look at it Ezmia LOOK! She pointed at her nose like I should care I turned on my heels and made my way to the bathroom to get ready but I was still pissed....

Me: bye! Slamming the door I made my way to school I don't know why I bother going really to me it's a fucking inconvenience. Pulled down my short skirt and sat down on the bus bench kmt the next bus wasn't going any time soon so I best make my self comfy.

Guy: oi has the bus come yet? I didn't even bother looking up after one my name isn't oi and two I don't answer dumb questions. I took out my mirror and combed my hair trying to ignore this guys constant stare I don't know what it was but he was starting to freak me out. He stood still just staring at me "hmm some one doesn't like to be blanked" I thought. Putting my mirror away I turned to face him fully. Wow was he ugly I mean really ugly I think the ugliest mix race boy I've seen in a while light pale skin, big chucky blue eyes curly black hair and one spotty face I felt sick.

Me: what!

Guy: don't what man after just fucking asked you su'in! I had to laugh his voice was completely different from how he looked if you closed your eyes you would think he was sexy it just didn't suit him.

Guy: are you dumb why you laughing at man for! The  sound of his voice was turning me on bare deep and horse I could imagine having some good phone sexy with him.

Me: whats your name? I asked getting interested.

Guy: why you wonna no mans name for?

Me: just cause

Guy: Tarzan he said really quietly looking away from me I tried to hold in my laugh but it came out any way Tarzan you know.

Me: hahaha what the fuck was your mum thinking was she smoking doo- doo when she gave you that name... for real though that's just a par to your lie mate! I stated he went bright red as I spoke.

Guy: fuck you man! With that he walked off leaving me alone laughing my head off I've never laughed so much before in my life.

The bus finally pulled up to the shelter I got on and kissed my teeth after the bus driver not bothering to pay he tried to called me back but just told him to fuck off. 

At school

I sat down in my form looking around I would like to tell you all about my girl friends and how we gossip but I don't really have any unless you count one Asia girl called Nero but we only talk in maths. Im the type chick like many that girls don't like and I don't like them back. In my old school I used to have bare friends but when you move you lose contact and you find it hard to make new friends. I don't have any girl friends I ONLY talk to boys there less work and always there when you need them t...

Shane: kool b I was snapped out my daze

I nodded puling out his chair for him but he shook his head and pulled me up

Shane: we gotta go main wants you and oh boy is he pissed. I shrugged not really caring.

We got out side the gates and there he was my man leaning against is all black golf smoking a zoot just by looking at his body language I could tell he was vex and he hadn't even seen me yet. I knew I was in trouble I had disrespected him n worse in front of his man dem too but he needs to fucking learn im not his any hoe were he can chat to me and think im going to just take it he can fuck right off but then again I knew that I still had to made it up to him as I was his girl. I walked to him n stood waiting for him to speak first his some of his guys were standing around too just looking at me. I new they wonted me but it killed them that they couldn't have me well they could but Jermaine would be having there life next so what ever.

Jermaine: where's my phone!

Me: where do you think!

Jermaine shot me one mean look he dashed down his zoot and stepped closer to me I didn't move

Jermaine: don't fucking get rude give me my phone!

Me: Jermaine don't even....

Jermaine: SHUT UP! He growled I jumped the tone to his voice scared me he looked vex I'd never seen him like this before some thing must have happened I looked up at his face a realised he had a black eye and bust lip. My eyes widened at the sight of him who had done this.

Jermaine: get in the car Ezmia

Me: I....

Jermaine: get in the car I nodded and jumped in the front slamming the door. I was so scared this is the first time I didn't wont to be around Jermaine he was going on so odd. I watched as he stood out side talking to the guys he was swinging his hands and walking up and down all over the place breathing in and out he looked past vex I just didn't know what was happening I thought he was with Jha'nella last night?             

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