Bitch on the side chapter 12

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2weeks later

i was sat round the dining table next to Kelly feeding my little sister heaven she was so tiny and cute. Looking at her made me wont to see my little son or daughter even more.

Kelly: so Ez what you planning on doing when the babies born? She questioned me for the fifth time this week. Since the whole thing with me and Jermaine she's been asking what im gonna do raising a baby by my self she's really starting to piss me off.

Me: Kelly I keep telling you to stop asking me I told you I ca handle this!

Kelly: so what your just goin to go through life on your own  huh no man just a baby and a  shit council fla....

Me: I don't fucking need your lecture im 16 years old!....your not even my mum I got up from the table slamming heavens food down on the side. Kelly followed after me

Kelly: ezmia im the closed thing you've ever had to a mother or are you forgetting that...look I just wont the best for you -you know that I love you ez im just saying maybe its best if you to give the child to some one who is old enough and is in a stable relationship! I stood in the hall way just staring at her. Was she really telling me to give away MY baby has she lost her damn mind! I didn't bother answering her I just turned around and left the house. It was like every one was against me having this baby I was the only one that was happy for me. I decided to walk to elliot's as I needed the fresh air.

I was half way there when I passed a group of boys smoking sitting on a wall one just had on his boxers sock's and a white vest so im guessing it was his house they all stopped when I walked past I saw one whisper some thing to another boy and then he called me

Boy: oi ezmia! My head snapped to look at the familiar voice

Me: do I know you? They laughed but I didn't see the joke they all just sat there laughing looking at me

Boy: you don't remember man nah? I looked at him closely and realised it was Julian Curtis's cousin.

Me: oh Julian? I squinted my eyes he'd changed so much since the last time I'd seen him he'd grown his hair and now wore it back in a curly bun and he now had a little bard it looked different but nice. he jumped down off the wall taking me into a warm hug. To be honest we wasn't that close in the first place so I don't know why his hugging me like this! I pulled away from him after 10 seconds and gave him a half smile.

Me: so erm it was nice talking to you but.....

Julian: are you gonna leave man like that after you ent hollered in time

Me: I know im sorry its just well im kinder in a rush erm I'll call you later if you like. I started to walk off again but he grabbed hold of my wrist and pulled me back to him.

Julian: why you tryna get away from man so fast im sure what ever your doing can wait! I shook my head trying to wiggle my wrist out his soft hand.

Me: look Julian im not in the mood I really have to get some where. He raised his eye brows and his grip on my wrist tightened.

Julian: babe why you being like that huh why you wonna......

Jermaine: oi blood why you handling my baby mother like that for! Both me and Julian jumped at the sound of Jermaine's voice he was with about 4 other boys. I could hear Julian's boys mumbling shit n pissed under there breath. You could see the fear all over Julian's face he slowly let go of my wrist only to reveal the big red mark he'd left.

Jermaine: dick'ead what you can't talk nah! I watched as Julian clenched his jaw together grinding his teeth

Julian: look I was just talking to her so jog on yeah! I stepped back away from Julian just waiting for the drama to start. Jermaine took a step towards Julian balling his fists up. I didn't wait to see what happened next I just carried orn up the road.

Jermaine: oi Ez wait up man I carried on walking but was stopped by Jermaine tugging on my arm I stopped and he stood in front of me smiling.

Me: Jermaine I really don't have time for this so...

Jermaine: come on baby don't be like that I just wont to check on you init see how you and my baby are?

I sighed rubbing my temples and shrugged

Me: its fine I have a scan in two days now can you get off me I really don't....

Jermaine: look I love and im sorry lets just get over this and what happened couple weeks ago I wasn't in  the right state of mind you know how I get! I looked at him with a blank expression and just walked around him. He was so unbelievable I just couldn't stand to be any were near him.  

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