bitch on the side chapter 3

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Two days later

I hadn't left the house since the whole thing happened at Jermaine's house. I was still in shock that he could do that to me and tell me to get out after she's the one that started it all. I had tried Jermaine's phone couple times but he just rejected them. I was so love sick it was like I couldn't move my body felt weak and my throat and eyes were sour from all the crying I didn't even wont to speak to any one any more.

There was a knock at my door I didn't answer so they knocked again

Me: Por que você não pode me deixar sozinho! I said covering my whole body over they laughed and came in any way

Elliot: Ayo Ez don't you remember man know more. The sound of his voice lightened up my mood I jumped from under my covers and jumped on him hugging him close

Me: where the fuck have you been in the last 2weeks you tramp! He smiled at me wiggling his eyes brows about

Elliot: mans been about. I hugged him tight then let go

Elliot: come were going Shanes go get washed and that I'll b e down stairs yeah

I nodded and made my way to the bath room I love Elliot man we've known each other since nursery his my best friend always makes me laugh and that. I had a wash and brushed my teeth then I put on my light blue skinny jeans cream n blue jumper that hangs off my shoulders and cream flats. I left my hair curly and put a bow init. Yeah just because all my friends are boys doesn't mean I have to dress like one im girly and they know it. I put on my cherry lip-gloss and sprayed my perfume on then made my way down stairs. Even though I was happy to see Elliot I could still feel the pain of knowing that me and Jermaine was over I shook the thought of him slapping me out my head and covered my tear ducks before they came rolling down my face. I walked in to the living room where thiago n Elliot were sat I was quiet surprised to see thiago here seen as though I hadn't seen him like a month he looked around at me and smiled his my favourite older brother better then kazello any day.

Me: were you been

Thiago: at yard

Me: here?

Thiago: yes your just never here to see man init I nodded and put out my hand he looked at it then back at me

Me: a nigger gotta eat mayne I smiled they both laughed and thiago passed me 50 pound I thanked him then dragged Elliot up.

Me: tell dad I'll be back around 10 yeah he nodded his eyes glued to the TV screen.

Elliot: laters yeah they touched fist's and we went. We decided to walk to Shanes so we could catch up

Elliot: so mans hearing how you and Jermaine's wifey had a bust up I nodded and put my head down trying to stop the tears every time I thought about it I just get too  emotional he stopped us both and pulled me into his arms.

Elliot: she's a knob any ways Ez we know this

Me: its not even that el it's the fact that Jermaine broke up with me over her over fucking her you know when he said he loved me!

Elliot: but how could you expect him to back you when she's been his girl from day baby I don't mean to up set you but you was just his dial a fuck. He loves Jha'nella but then he loves sex and she ent giving it to him as much as he would like init. I shook my head not wonting to believe what he was saying but It was so true I was just his link but why left it happen for so long why tell me you love me why would he do that if he didn't mean it! I dried my tears wonting to block out all the obvious questions in my mind and smiled up at Elliot.

Me: come on let's just low talking about that... we carried on up the road just cracking jokes.

Elliot: come lets go shop get some snacks for them hungry niggers I laughed and we walked to the shop when we got there I spotted some mans from around Jermaine's area I was kinder weary at first but Elliot pulled me closer by the waist and we walked side by side with his warm hand on my hip. He spudded some of the guys out side the shop and said kool to the rest. Some were eyeing me up and the rest licked there lips at me.

Elliot: you man hitting hazels rave on Friday

Guy: yeah man I heard its gonna be live bare nang chicks are going he paused then looked at me

Guy: are you going he asked licking his lips at me I shook my head not having any words in my mouth I had suddenly lost my tongue. He smiled at me and I realised he had cute dimples.

Elliot: you coming in the shop Elliot asked me I still couldn't talk so I just nodded he walked ahead of me but I was stopped by the boy with the cute dimples

Guy: so b you got a name I nodded and they all laughed

Guy: aw b whats wrong cat got your tongue I shook my head

Me: nah I just erm didn't know what to say. They looked taken back by my voice I smiled at them then carried on into the shop as I pushed open the door and all I heard before it shut was "yo her voice is sexy bruv" ok then that's the weirdest thing I've heard in a while. Elliot was at the till paying for the things he bought there was like 8 bags full of sweets chocolate cans of beef pop rum crisps and sherbet. I was amazed I took some bags and he took the rest we came out the shop. The same guys were still standing there.

Guy: Ayo sexy tell me yeah name he shouted as we walked past I looked behind me and shouted

Me: ELLIOTS CHICK!  He looked confused at first then nodded going back to were his boys were standing. I court up with Elliot and kissed him on the cheek just to get my point across to the boy. Don't get me wrong he was dank but I really ent looking for no one right about now.

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