bitch on the side chapter 4

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At Shane's

 We got to Shanes and I let us in with my key yup me and Shane are that close. There was a bag a noise coming from the front room I went straight into the kitchen and put the bags down  I packed them out and brought every thing into the front room as I walked in I wish I hadn't as Jermaine and Jha'nella were sitting together talking. My heart started to hurt and I could feel the tears about to come but I had to be strong I couldn't make her know she'd won. I stood still in the door way with the things in my hand not knowing what to do should I leave or stay I swallowed down the lump in my tight throat and walked into the living room pretending I hadn't seen them I put the things on the table and smiled at every one saying kool it was all the main people I jam with everyday excluding Jha'nella there was








And me

Faybian: were you been for the last couple days I called you bare times and you just aired mans calls we even came round your house and your step mum said you wasn't well or some shit... come here and give man a hug bout kool what you tek dis thing yah for! I smiled and sat on his lap hugging him I could feel Jha'nella and even Jermaine staring at me but I just blocked it out even though I was around all my close friends getting jokes I still felt uncomfortable. there was tension in the air and every one could feel it. It didn't help that every one new the situation either.  

Jha'nella: so what Ez cant you say hello she finally piped up I new it was only a matter of time before she did. I choose to ignore her again

Kyle: oi come Ez lets bang out cod see if I can beat you

Me: please im the fucking best I sang they all laughed I looked at Jha'nella as her glare burned into me hmm another person that doesn't like to be blanked oh well

Jha'nella: don't blank me little girl after you try move my man what you got nothing to say now...bitch.

Me: any ways pass me the control...

Jha'nella: don't anyways me you had a lot to say to days ago didn't you but what you lost your tongue now cause my mans here to back my case hmm don't be jealous cause he prefers my pussy to your saggy narns you fucking hoe. I shook my head and just breathed in the whole room fell silent I wasn't gonna take that but I new she wonted a fight and I just wasn't gonna give her one.

Jha'nella: what am I getting to you baby is that it...well you answer me this and I'll leave you alone

Me: what I said dryly

Jha'nella: why did you fuck my man when you knew he had a wifey I looked around at her in shock how the fuck did she now

Jha'nella: yeah hoe I new don't think you're the first bitch his had on the side the only difference is he fucked you for longer what you think your week of romance is gonna take my place are you fucking dizzy love!

Me: we didn't fuck for a week he was my man I didn't even know about you up until 3months ago so don't even fucking go there!

Jha'nella: don't fucking lie every one knows im Jermaine's first and ONLY WIFEY! So don't play dumb. I looked from Jha'nella to Jermaine he just couldn't look at me he kept his eyes straight

Jha'nella: don't be looking at my man you skett his mine you hear me im telling you from now little girl in front of all these people if I so much as see your name on his screen again or here another of your pathetic little voice mail messages im going to bait your business to every one and tell them who you really are you grimy dutty bitch keep you dutty pussy away from my man you hear me! I looked at her stunned did I just hear her  I was not having that.

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