bitch on the side chapter 2

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He walked round to the drivers side and hopped in his car along with two others the rest went to there another car and got in.

Jermaine: im gonna drive to your yard and your going to get me my phone you understand me! I didn't answer. he grabbed my face with his free hand to make me look at him.

Jermaine: stop fucking playing games with me Ezmia because you wont win. He pushed my face away and carried on driving in silence. He pulled up in my drive and told me to get out I did as I was told and opened my front door I hadn't realised that Jermaine followed me in until he pushed me up stairs. We both got to my room and he grabbed his phone off the dresser the went through his messages and then put it away. I stood still the whole time just watching him It was like I didn't know him. He walked closer to me and pulled me to him. I looked up into his eyes to see any emotion but they were blank. He crusted his lips to mine and forced us both down on to my bed.....

Me: uh-uuuh Jermaine ....Ahh yeah

Jermaine: Ahh shit yeah.

Me: oh my days baby uuuh!

Jermaine: Om gonna....uuuh Om gonna....AHHH! I felt it fill me up I could feel it dripping down my thigh my whole body was shaking with pure ecstasy. He flopped off me and touched his dick looking at me. I smiled and sucked it like there was no tomorrow.

 We both had a shower and got dressed I attempted to put my school uniform back on but he stopped me.

Jermaine: no put on your pink track suit.

Me: kmt n...

Jermaine: yes he said though gritted teeth I sensed his mood and just put it on.

We had arrived at his yard and was all sitting in his living room four where playing heavy rain and the others were just watching and chatting amongst them selves. I was sitting on the sofa with Jermaine in between my legs Cain rowing his hair. the door bell went and I attempted to get it.

Jermaine: nah baby sit down... oi mason get the door. He nodded and I carried on doing his hair. I could here heels walking down the corridor I assumed it was one of these guys girls but as she bust the corner all I head was.

Jha'nella: MAINEY BABY I MISSED YOU! My lips curled up in disgust as she approached him and kissed him on the lips the whole room fell silent with every one watching both me and Jha'nella. Even though me and Jermaine have been together two years me and Jha'nella had never crossed paths before this was actually the first time I'd seen her face to face. I looked her up and down she was mix race caramel skin light hazel eyes, long brown hair with blonde highlights lip piece and tall she had on camel skin 4 inch heels tanned skinny jeans with a white belly top that read bitch better know and a tanned cardigan over it with a gold necklace and gold head band thing. Cant lie she was pretty and her swag was on point but I still don't see whats so special about her to make Jermaine be with her for nearly 4 years now! She parted her lips off my man and then her eyes hit mine.

Jha'nella: who are you! She asked with bare attitude

Before I could answer Jermaine did for me

Jermaine: this is my bredrin she dose my hair for me init he said in a casual tone Jha'nella looked at me then at nodded.

Jha'nella: Skeen that better be all she does!

Me: what the fucks that meant to mean! I shot back looking her up and down

She fake laughed at me

Jha'nella: little girl don't even try to hype to me cause you done know I'll just put you in your place she said folding her arms and sitting back in her chair the way I just wonted to shot her a box in her mouth was too emotional I counted to ten in my head and breathed out I choose to ignore that comment and carry on with Jermaine's hai...

Jha'nella: you know not to answer back you ske... I leaped over Jermaine and punched her in the face before the words left her mouth. Is she dumb though after I lowed her the first time I gave her two more licks before I was dragged off her. Her nose was bleeding and I had blood on my hands. Jermaine dragged me out the living room and into the kitchen he shut the door and just stared at me he walked closer and I thought he was gonna hug me but instead I got back handed  across the face. My head follow to the side and my eyes watered I held my cheek and looked at Jermaine

Jermaine: don't you dare ever put you hand on my wifey again you understand as I said stop playing games Ezmia! I looked at him as though he was mad

Me: did you not just hear what she said to me Jermaine are you for real

Jermaine: I don't give a shit you should know better you should of lowed it I would have dealt with it...

Me: Jermaine you just slapped me over her!

Jermine: get out!

Me: what?

Jermaine: get the fuck out my house man bounce! I looked at him tears  streaming down my face to see if he was for real. He looked deadly serious I stepped past him and walked out his house slamming the door behind me.

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