One: Welcome Back

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I lay on my bed reading my favorite series. The vector vampire series. The last book comes out this summer. July 20 to be exact. I can't wait till it comes out. The story left off when Jessica Worthington was kidnapped by the werewolves. I like a classic werewolf and vampire series. I'm in the middle of the fifth book. I'm rereading the series. Each book is HUGE. Their like 2 inches thick. The author Jen Jennings has tons of awards for the series. This is her first series she's written.

"Honey, James is here," my mom calls. I slam my bookmark in the book and run down stairs. I'm having dinner with his family to celebrate us getting our degrees. I've known James ever since 1 grade. I stop at the bottom of the stairs. He gives me a wicked smile that creeps up his face. I haven't seen that face in four years.

"JAMES!!" I yell. I jump and rap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.

He stumbles backwards and says, "Hey baby girl."

I look up to his face. I can't help but hug him again. I have to stand on my tiptoes to get eye level with him.

I whisper to him, "I've missed you."

"I've missed you to," he replies.

"DINNER!!" my mom yells. I walk down the hall with James to open the screen door. James jumps right in front of me and opens the screen door. I laugh at him. He's such a gentlemen. If you were to meet us you would think we are a couple. Were just really good friends. I sit next to him. Tonight were having pork chops and corn for dinner. It was the usual. James jokes and so does his dad. His mom and my mom start a conversation and his and my dad start a conversation. Me and James start to talk.

After 10 minutes of talking, James yells out, "Oh I almost forgot!" I look at him puzzled as he runs into the house. He comes out of the house with a bag that says 'Fidges Fireworks'.

"You didn't."

"Oh I did," he says. He pulls out three boxes of sparklers.

"Their your favorite to. Gold." I snatch one of the boxes from James's hand. I open the sparklers up. I haven't played with these in forever. My dad goes inside to fill up a bucket of water and a lighter. He comes out side with the stuff. As soon as he sets the lighter on the table I grab it. I light my sparkler. I run around the backyard with my sparkler in my hand. After another 5 minutes we run out of sparklers.

While my parents and his parents are busy, James whispers in my ear, "Can we go to your room and watch some movies?"

"Yea," I say.  Me and James sneak into the house and walk into my room.

"Not much has changed," he says. He turns his head and looks at my bookshelf. He counts the vector vampire series.

"All nine book," he mutters to himself. I turn on the TV and scroll through my recorded shows and movies. I get to the vector vampire series.

"Do you want to marathon the whole vector vampire series?"

"Do I? Yes?!" Me and James both love this series. I click on the movie. It starts to play. I cuddle next to him.

I suddenly ask him "Do you want popcorn?"

"Yes," I go downstairs and make popcorn. As I wait, the parents come in. I quickly grab the bag and run upstairs. I jump on the bed and sit next to James. He plays the movie. I hear the conversation that is coming from the movie.

"Why do you stay in the dark?"

"Jessica, baby promise you won't be scared?"


"I'm a vampire."

"V-V-Vector y-y-your a vampire?"


After an hour in to the movie James pulls out a present.


"Just open it." I open it. It's a black box. I open the box. Theirs a ring in it. The ring is a diamond ring with a huge amethyst in the middle. I cover my mouth.

"Oh James. This must cost a fortune."

"Nope," he says. "It was my grandmother's ring and then my mom's. And now its yours." I start to cry. I hug him. Not crying because I hate it. Because it is so nice and friendly. He's the best friend you could have.

"Oh and," he says and he pulls a piece of paper out of his back pocket. He hands it to me. I look at it. 

It's a lottery ticket.

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