Chapter 23

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The woods

It wasn't what I had planned...I mean, the idea wasn't to run father taught me better than that. 

But after all of this, after his mother's betrayal...I don't think I can do this anymore. I almost killed someone with my bare hands. He probably deserves it, but this isn't me! I hug myself when a gush of wind blows past me. The skimpy pajama short isn't keeping me warm, and I have nothing to cover my bare arms with. I let out a breath and feel irritated when a strand of hair ends up in my mouth. Great!

The highway wasn't that far anymore, and I had no idea what I was going to do when I reach it...I have nowhere to go. Uncle Sam is kidnapped, my mum is a bad guy, Ricardo and Carlo is about to get killed...I feel helpless. My body shivers again.

"Karla?" I stop dead in my tracks. Oh, please don't be Alexander, please, please! I turn around slowly and there stands...uncle Sam? 

"Stay where you are." I whisper, "Is this some kind of mind game?! Are you tricking me?!" I yell out this time, and take a step back to run, but when uncle Sam steps forward I can see a limp in his step and his face is bruised, "No, Karla. I escaped. What are you doing out here alone?" He looks at me and behind me, "Where is Carlo?" And that's when I lose it, the tears just spill and I tell him about what is happening at the house. "They might get killed!" 

"Karla, keep calm. Take a deep breath." Uncle Sam pulls me close to him and I take a deep breath. "Do you still remember the defense lessons that I had to teach you?" I nod my head, "Yeah, I think so...I mean without thinking I strangled Alexander..." He nods and I feel something cold and hard being pushed into my hand.

A gun...

I know the feeling of the cold metal against my skin. "Remember target practice." I do remember. I shot someone's leg. I feel a bit more brave with a weapon in my hand. 

When we make our way through the woods back home, I can get a better look at Uncle Sam's damage. His leg seems a bit bloody, his face is beaten and his clothes is dirty. I think of every bad scenario that could have possibly happened to him. And the other thought that came to mind...was that Alexander will pay.

"Here's the plan," He starts as we huddle behind a bush a few feet away from the house. "I am going to get the boys out of there while you head on inside, look for your phone, get in the closet and call 911." He peeks over the bush and then ducks again, "Whisper to them that you are hiding in the closet and there is men inside and around your house. Give them the address, 21 Hidden Road, New York." I nod and he smiles at me, "We can't be in, or near, the house when the police arrives, because they know that we are apart of a gang. But you are a brave soul, just like your own dad, and I am proud of you." I smile back and we head back to the backdoor. 

To my surprise there are no one guarding the door, but it is open. I can see Carlo and Ricardo both tied to kitchen chairs. I immediately catch on when I see Ricardo looking at me and shaking his head slightly. "It's a trap." I mutter and look through the window. There's a guy on the phone, with his back to us. "Uncle Sam, I might have to make a slight change of plans." 

I point my gun straight at the bald guy's head and the only words that echo's through my head was 'Target  Practice' as I pulled the trigger. After the sound goes off, I know that I probably made a big mistake. About 15 bad guys could come out, all at the same time, and attack us now. We don't stand a chance to beat them off, but that wasn't what I, or Uncle Sam, thought of as we ran in to the kitchen.

I grab a kitchen knife and pass it to Uncle Sam. He starts cutting the ropes and I can hear the running footsteps in the hallway. "I got this," I whisper and hold the gun out in front of me. The adrenaline is pulsing through me and I am shaking. Not out of fear.


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