The Games We Play

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Fandom: Scandal in the Spotlight (Love 365)

Pairing: Iori x Reader

Summary: Teasing Iori is so much fun

It starts innocently enough. Except you've learned that there's not much innocence between you two. But who would have thought that a little touch here, or a shoulder rub there would grow into a thing. And it's your thing, no less.

It's almost like a game between you and Iori now. It's a game that he sure as hell isn't gonna lose.

The rules are simple and few.

First rule is: see which one can cause the most public embarrassment for the other.

Second rule is: touching only.

Sneak attacks are not only allowed, but encouraged, and he finds that out the hard way when he feels you reaching around him and palming his dick through his pants just before he's supposed to go on stage.

He moans and practically purrs, because that hand is damn good at what it's doing. It's only when his brain starts working again, and he realizes where he is, that he gets mad at himself for being such an easy mark.

He turns around in time to see you ducking behind Nagi, smirking at him. He glares at you. He'd find a way to punish you later since he was now being pushed out on stage.

All that keeps going through his head is why the hell did he think his pants needed to be this tight? Because, seriously, this is painful. There's zero room for growth in these pants. He swears he can feel every tooth of his zipper pressing against his dick in all the wrong ways. And walking is even worse. Then those little teeth dig right in and bite in ways that make him hiss and grimace.

He's sure he's gonna get hit with tweets coming out the ass, asking what his problem is, and there'll be pictures. There're always pictures.
At least it's pretty dark right now, no flashy lights yet. That's the only thing Iori has going for himself as he hunches over, trying to give it a little more room. He tries thinking the most unsexy thoughts he can, but just when he thinks he's making a little headroom, Kyohei comes out on stage.

He knows Kyohei is not in on their little game, but shit, playing touchy feely has always been part of the act. When Kyohei leans back against him, he's right against his dick. Iori fumbles a note then, because how the hell is he supposed to focus in the middle of all this. Kyohei looks at him with a question in his eyes, and Iori tries his fucking best to look composed.

Iori catches sight of you standing off stage, and he thinks he should glare at you or something. But when he sees you lick your lips while you rub your palm over your own sex, Iori bites his lip to keep the sounds in, and closes his eyes as he misses another note. Now his dick's not just hard; it's leaking and ready, and you smile at him, because you know exactly what you're doing.

You think you probably won this round as Iori plays through the longest set of his life. Every time he thinks he might be able to get himself under some kind of control, something brings him back to the painful edge.

When the last note is done, so is he.

Iori heads offstage faster than he thinks is possible and heads straight for you, dragging you to the closest room with a locking door.

They'll have to wait a few minutes for the encore if they want him on stage. He's got more pressing matters to take care of.

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