The Best Mistake of My Life - Pt.4/7

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4. The right (dance) partner

Your dance technique was far from perfect; dancing with Steve was everything though. He held you securely, one of his arms around your waist, his other hand holding yours, his body not pressed against you completely, but close enough, his eyes attentively glued to you as if no one else existed.

You felt special. You felt beautiful. You felt adored. And all of that thanks to him.

You wouldn't have even noticed another song ended if it wasn't for the large figure tapping on Steve's shoulder. He turned his head, surprised. You, on the other hand, gulped in fright. The man was huge. You had a good guess who that was. Trouble?

"Captain. May I borrow your dance partner?"

Oh, definitely trouble.

Steve gaped a bit, exchanging a puzzled look with you. He was asking whether you would allow it, you realized.

You had no clue. Then again, what was the worst thing that could happen? It could be awkward, sure, but you would try your best not to make an ass of yourself. Unlike with Mr.Stark. Let's never talk about that again.

You nodded inconspicuously and Steve sighed.

"All yours," he whispered, sounding like he didn't want to give you up at all. It warmed you up, especially in your belly. He wanted you with him. He didn't want to give you away. God bless him.

He shuffled away, catching your gaze one more time to make you were okay without him. Well, you were okay, but would be better with him.

"My lady. I am Thor Odinson of Asgard. It would be my pleasure to have this dance. May I?"

His voice was thundering as if he was a God of Thunder himself indeed, but you could tell he was trying his best not to intimidate you. Well, you could appreciate the effort, no matter how vain.

You blinked in shock when he placed his palm on his chest and gave you a tiny bow. Holy shit, Asgard – a planet, as you had learned from Steve – grew their men with extraordinary manners. Huh.

You shyly revealed you name, earning a smile from the god and a light kiss on the back of your hand; it reminded you of the second (or was it first and halfth?) meeting with Steve. Your heart skipped a beat at the memory and you realized that no matter how charming this man seemed, your heart already belonged to someone else; not that you had ever gave consent, it just... happened.

Steve had broad shoulders of which you thought could carry the weight of the world (and you had a hunch that sometimes they did), but as Thor enveloped you for a dance, you had to admit that his shoulders were as if they belonged to Atlas himself. He was so freaking huge.

"Lady mine, tell me. Do you like the feast brother Anthony prepared?"

Who the heck talked like that? Steve sometimes slipped, sounding like from an old movie, sometimes revealing Brooklyn slang from his time, but man, this was something else.

"I... yes. He... certainly put a lot of care into it," you babbled , automatically adjusting to his speech.

"Lady Potts is a great help for him in feats like these. I must say our celebrations are rather different, but I am impressed nevertheless."

"Oh. How do your celebrations look like?" you heard yourself asking, actually intrigued.

A laugh bubbled in his throat as he spun you. "You would consider them too savage, I believe."

You had no idea how to react to that. So you just hummed indecisively.

"I am certain someone has told you tonight, but you look very beautiful."

Lessons in Rule Breaking and Other Reader-Inserts*Steve Rogers*Reader*Where stories live. Discover now