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*Four months pass*

When I woke up I heard my phone ringing which made Tray wake up. I unplugged my phone from the charger and answered it, I saw that it was the doctor. "Doctor: Hello Airionna. Me: Hey Doc, what's up? Doctor: Well today I have some good news. Me: Go ahead. Doctor: Today is your gender reveal! Me: Oh my goshhhh me and Tray have been planning this for forever!! Doctor: Well the envelope is in your mailbox. Me: Thanks doc. Doctor: No problem bye. Me: Bye. So since Tray was already up I told him the good news. He was so happy that his eyes lit up and he was so tired.  So we did our morning routine and got dressed. We made phone calls to invite people. We figured we had to record this day. So Tray took the envelope and put it in the baby bag. We headed to the beach along with everyone we called. We popped fireworks and ate lunch. After that it was time... The moment that me and my baby forever have been waiting for. Tray let me have the honors of reading  the envelope and he will open it. So Tray opened it and her passed it to me. I read the envelope and figured it was a ...................................... GIRL oh my gosh I started crying and Tray had to hug me and comfort me. So after that everyone gave us some gifts for the baby and we went home. I figured something about the baby so I told Tray I had to talk to him. "Tray" I said softly. "Yes?" he asked. "I found a perfect name for the baby" I told him. "What did you choose?" he asked. "Miracle because she is Our Little Miracle" I told him. He hugged and kissed me. After that we did our night routine and fell fast asleep.

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